Golden Immortal Ye Ming's Compensation, Meeting the Murong family Again

It was a rope used in ancient times to capture divine beasts. The immortal patterns on it contained divine power.

This power could imprison bloodline power and seal space.

What a treasure.

Bronze Mace, Green Vine Rope.

These two treasures were both supreme treasures.

It was no wonder that Ye Ming could dominate the Bitter Immortal Realm before he became a Golden Immortal.

With his cultivation and combat strength, coupled with these two treasures, apart from Great Demon Monarchs, who could resist him in the Bitter Immortal Realm?


Golden Immortal Shu Ming slashed at the green vine rope and forced it back. Then, the sword light swept up and tore through Golden Immortal Ye Ming's robe, leaving only half of his underwear.

Golden Immortal Ye Ming seemed to be enraged as he took out another treasure.

It was a green wooden branch.

Sky-reaching tree!