Born From Death, Rules of Life and Death! (3)

The calamity was the end of the world!

Whether it was Han Muye or others, those without the cultivation of an Immortal Venerable were not qualified to participate before the calamity.

If the calamity arrived early, Han Muye had no confidence in surviving it.

Moreover, once the calamity began, apart from the experts in the Heavenly Cycle Divine Realm, the other realms would be reduced to nothingness and merge into the power of the calamity.

The Heavenly Mystic, the Immortal Source, and the Fuyu Immortal World.

There was nowhere to escape.

All living beings would die.


Immortal Venerable Minghe thrust out the blood-colored war spear in his hand.

The Heavenly Slaughter Battle Spear in front of him shook, and the incarnation of Heavenly Slaughter Immortal Venerable was knocked out.

The blood-colored war spear had a strange power, as if it was specially used to deal with the power of the soul.