Born From Death, Rules of Life and Death! (4)

"So this is the meaning of life and death that Little Han mentioned."

Taking a step forward, his body began to burn.

Despite the suppression techniques and other forces in the Nether River, the flames surged and billowed, completely unaffected.

"I understood."

Not far away, Feng Yi, who was sitting cross-legged, also had flames rising from his body.

The two flames intersected and instantly ignited the void.

In an instant, the entire Holy City was engulfed in golden flames.

The flames did not hurt anyone or anything.

In the flames, figures gathered.

These were all the souls absorbed by the Soul Suppressing Banner.

At this moment, they all appeared.

"To be born from death, to be reborn from life, to wander between life and death, this is the true ferrying of the Nether River, the rules of life and death.

"Nether River, you have never truly controlled the rules of life and death."