Crushing Battle (2)

To directly replace a piece of armor or a puppet required too much resources and time.


Finally, flames rose in front of Han Muye.

It was neither the Golden Crow Divine Flame nor the Mystic Heaven Divine Fire. It was just an ordinary spirit fire.

It was just enough to refine a level five Battle Puppet.

Of course, what seemed like ordinary Spirit Fire to Han Muye was considered high-level flames in the eyes of others.

"Red Flame, Flowing Gold, this flame, so powerful…"

"With such flames, what level of Battle Puppet or Battle Armor can be forged?"

On the wall, numerous curious voices sounded.

Without making them wait for long, Han Muye directly dispersed the flames in front of him, dividing them into dozens of green and red flames.

Pieces of spiritual materials fell, burning upon the flames.

Controlling dozens of spiritual materials at once?

This scene caused low gasps from those on the wall.