Crushing Battle (3)

Illusory figures emerged, then drew together pieces, assembling into a black eight-foot tall Battle Puppet.

It was just a level five Battle Puppet, which posed no difficulty for Han Muye.

However, today's experiment with this method of refining and assembling piqued his interest in owning an assembly line of Battle Puppets in his trading company.

The trading companies in those large cities all had their own assembly and manufacturing lines.

If he had tens of thousands of blacksmiths on hand, would he be able to quickly assemble Battle Puppets and Battle Armors?

Could they be of any level?

He had the Five Elements Divine Furnace at his disposal.

Using the Five Elements Divine Furnace as the foundation, he would refine the core components, while others refine lower-level components, and finally he would assemble them into shape.

Han Muye suddenly realized that it was none other than the Black Armor Refining Sect.