Chapter 27: Master Su Yun Disappeared!

"Sir, the station is right in front of us!" The taxi driver said politely.

Even though the other man looked very old, his spirit and willingness in taking risks was still worthy of approval.

Although it might not be as meaningful to martial artists, this spirit was the key to the survival of mankind!

If not for the generations of people who risked their lives to rush to the front lines of the battlefield, it would be hard to imagine humans still living a wandering kind of life.

Su Yun did not know what the taxi driver was thinking, but he knew that what's coming next would be the start of a brand new journey.

He's going out of the city to kill some ferocious beasts!

In front of him was an oval shaped station with a large, smooth surface for the waiting area.

The structure was divided into three floors, the basement, the waiting area on the first floor, and the protection area on the second floor.

Su Yun looked at the huge bus station, and noticed that there were only a few people.

Many people who had just returned from the city got off the buses, and there was a group of injured people.

Some of them had lost their arms, some were carrying weapons, and some were carried down on stretchers.

None of them looked too good.

It was as if they had experienced a great battle.

They walked into the waiting hall.

Once they entered, they instantly met a huge display screen, which kept playing different information.

"Thousand-hunting bird, grade one beast."

"As a flying type of fierce beast, the thousand-hunting bird's battle strength is equivalent to our martial artists. However, its intelligence is extremely high and its movements are very agile. It can easily kill beginner and intermediate level martial artists. High-level martial artists can contend against it. If you're not strong enough, you need to immediately find cover or escape, or ask for help."

"Giant lightning lizards, grade two beasts. Their strength is astonishing, and their battle prowess is equivalent to that of a human martial master. These beasts like to live in groups, and it is often a sign of the beginning of a beast wave. If you notice the giant lightning lizards gathering, please immediately inform the city guards or the army..."

"Raging fire python, grade three beast..."


What was playing in the hall was not some entertainment, but an introduction to the beasts commonly seen outside of the base city.

Many people passed by Su Yun. Looking at the old man, it seemed like he was going to read all the information about the fierce beasts for half an hour.

No one laughed at him. Everyone had been through this.

The information in the books were all about the unknown age of the fierce beasts.

The fierce beasts could move, but there were many species that had migrated from other areas.

The best way is to get information from the bus station's big screen or from the brochures.

There were a lot of brochures here and they were all about the latest things a traveler would need to pay attention to.

Every matter that needs attention is caused by the changes outside the city.

All of humanity's improvements were due to their ability to adapt to all the changes around them. 

Su Yun picked up one of the brochures and carefully read through all its contents.

The contents were all about the most important things.

It was very dangerous outside the city. Even a martial Grandmaster's life could be in danger if they were not on their guard.

After all, the arrival of fierce beasts didn't depend on whether one was a martial grandmaster or not.

They all treated humans as very important tools for leveling up, or in most cases, as food.

Other than these reasons, Su Yun must make the most thorough preparations for his trip outside the city.

There was absolutely no way, would he let these other people's opinion influence his own initial judgment

Nothing in this world is as dangerous as the past.

Unless you become a superior person.

Become a fighter, become the most powerful being in this world.

This kind of world is extremely good for you.

It has tremendous power.

However, you also have to pay the price of your life to protect your hard-won victory.

If there is a large-scale beast wave, martial artists will unconditionally stand in front of the ordinary people.

Everything in the world is secretly marked with a price.

The question is whether these consequences correspond to the price we pay.

It needs to be measured in terms of basic conditions.

"This bus is leaving, this bus is leaving the station. There are still some empty seats. Two more passengers and then we're leaving."

The outskirts' driver called out on the loudspeaker.

He hoped that someone would come and get into the bus.

Every time he set off, he would gain a lot of passengers.

The more passengers he has on his bus, he would gain more money.

Every day, he relied on this income to survive.

If there was no business for a whole day, he might have to eat dirt.

He still had a child at home, so he had to work extra hard.

When Su Yun got on the bus, everyone stared at him.

The buses leaving the city were all parked in the basement.

When the bus was full of people, they would immediately start the bus.

The regulations were not quite the same as before the disaster.

After all, they were leaving the base city. The danger outside the base city was not the same as that in the city.

As Su Yun entered the bus, everybody started to advised him to get off.

"Sir, did you get on the wrong bus?"

"Why would such an old man plan to leave the city at this time?"

"Did you come to the wrong place? The buses here are going to a place outside the city."

"Sir, you have to get off quickly. This bus is not going to the city."

Everyone had good intentions in their hearts. None of them wished for Su Yun to go outside the city at such an age.

"I know. Thank you for your well meaning advices. I am still planning to leave the city."

After looking at the passengers of the bus, he realized that everyone had kindly advised him not to leave the city. They warned him that it was very dangerous outside the city.

After seeing that their advice was ineffective, everyone returned to their seats and maintained their vigilance. The bus that was leaving the city was not 100% safe.

The army would regularly clean up the fierce beasts around the city.

None of the fierce beasts were dead. They would constantly move, and every time they moved, there would be a certain impact.

Sometimes, these movements did not have any pattern.

This also gave the army a headache from time to time.

Su Yun sat in the front row with his small bag.

He looked through the glass window.

The lush natural scenery was very beautiful.

One could feel a strong sense of beasts lurking in the shadows.

It seemed that everywhere was dangerous.

Everyone held their weapons tightly in their hands, either wearing armor helmets, clothed armor or even an armor suit.

None of them wore casual clothes like Su Yun, who was wearing casual clothes as if he was traveling.

Moreover, he doesn't look like he was on guard at all. He was relaxed as if he were really going for a trip.

No one wanted to team up with Su Yun. After all, for a newbie like him, the death rate would be extremely high.

If he encountered a powerful fierce beast, it was very likely that he would fail to hunt because he would be the prey, and no one wanted to see that either.

Not long after, the car drove out of the city.

Everyone got out of the bus and soon everyone left one by one.

A handsome young man in bronze armor walked over. "Sir, if you're just out for a stroll, I suggest you go to the small town nearby."

He didn't see any information about the small town in the brochure. He only read about a guarded town.

However, the exact location wasn't written clearly.

Was this because they were afraid that someone would betray them?

The Flame Palace's appraisers arrived at Su Yun's smithy.

Only to find out that it had been burned down.

"What happened?" Zhao Yihan turned to look at the people beside her.

The people were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

They thought that Su Yun was just an ordinary blacksmith, so they gave up on observing him.

"Let's go to Su Yun's place and wait for him at home," Zhao Yihan instructed.

No one had any objections. After all, they were hoping that this person would become their ace refiner.

They waited until night time, but there were still no signs of Su Yun's return.

"Could it be that master Su has been killed?"

They waited a little longer, until it was late into the night, but there were still no signs of Su Yun's return.

"Could it be that Master Su has been killed?"

"Should we tell his relatives that Master Su is in danger?"

The surrounding people asked curiously.

"Could it be that the other two establishments have made their move?"

They had all come from the darkest era, and they knew that these messy little moves could happen.

Ever since the Training Industry had joined in one after another, such things had become less common.