Chapter 30: Over There! What on Earth Happened?!

10 kilometers away from the whole scene in the jungle, in Shadow Moon Base City's third satellite town, a group of martial master personnel was having a meeting in a huge hall.

Most of them were a little nervous.

Many of them had lived here for a few years and spent a lot of time and energy to build their own territory.

"Is the information we received reliable? Why is this situation so troublesome? Moreover, we don't even know what the other party's main goal!"

"Can't we go back and ask for help? Can we only rely on ourselves to fight against this mysterious organization?"

"And what would happen in the end?"

"Can the town be defended? If it really can't be done, we can give up on this town and return to Shadow Moon Base City. We can't just wait for an opportunity!"

"Are you saying that our defense is weak? We have top-tier martial masters against enemies above grade four beasts, and it's not like we don't have the strength to fight them!"

"Could it be that the reason for this meeting is to let us know about the enemies, but where exactly are the enemies?! Who are these enemies? We don't even know!"


For a long time, everyone had argued their different opinions.

Everyone felt fear and whispered in private.

When they received the news, everyone thought that it was just a small-scale gathering of fierce beasts.

Who knew that the leader of the fierce beasts was actually a grade five fierce beast.

It was not something that a martial artist with a combat strength of less than a million could contend against.

The only good news was that the other party did not have the intention to attack immediately.

It seemed that they were thinking of surrounding the town without attacking.

During the three days that they had gathered outside the town, the beasts seemed to be gathering like crazy.

They have encircled their town four times.

The first circle was formed by a large number of highly agile fierce beasts.

Their number was around 500.

The second circle was formed by a combination of grade two and grade three fierce beasts.

There were thousands of them, and their strength was astonishingly powerful.

The third circle was grade four beasts patrolling their area, and grade five beasts oppressing them.

There were only a few dozen of them, but no one knew exactly how many there were.

It was also because of this situation that the people of Shadow Moon Base City's satellite town were at a loss.

Could they even escape from this town???

A top-tier martial master with white hair stroked his long beard, holding a green dragon crescent blade in one hand.

"Yes, tell everyone the good news and the bad news."

"Shadow Moon Base City's martial grandmasters have set off to various satellite towns to maintain law and order!"

Hearing these words, the people who thought that a great disaster was coming seemed to see a beam of light shining through the darkness!

"This is great! This is simply a stroke of genius!"

"We're saved! We're saved!"

"So this is what it feels like to wait for death! It's too unbearable!"

"After this, we must work even harder. We mustn't start slacking off just because we're martial masters!"

"I also..."

Everyone seemed to feel full of fighting spirit, as if the encirclement of ferocious beasts had ceased to exist.

One of the martial artists had tears in his eyes, and his voice was choked with sobs.

"This is probably the best news!"

"After becoming a martial artist, I never thought of living an ordinary life."

Recalling the past, bits and pieces of life appeared in his mind.

He became a martial master at the age of fifteen, and now he was only in his twenties.

Yet, he was already facing an even more dangerous situation than the beast wave, or the beast siege.

It was simply a death without a burial place!

Thinking that he might be torn into pieces by the ferocious beasts, his heart kept trembling.

At this moment, a voice interrupted everyone's train of thought.

It was the top-tier martial master with the Green Dragon Crescent Saber.

"The bad news is that the other satellite towns have also been surrounded by ferocious beasts."

"It seems that according to our reliable informant, the incident this time is an operation targeted at us by the other base cities!"

"This is a confidentiality agreement. Everyone, please sign it. Otherwise, we can only ask you to leave!" As he spoke, his gaze became sharp.

His gaze scanned the people below.

It was as if he was asking whether these people could be trusted!

After all, if this wasn't a small matter, the entire army could be annihilated.

Who would know the final outcome?

Meanwhile in the forest…

A scout team of four was being chased down by a group of agile monkeys.

These agile monkeys were all 1.8 meters tall, agile, and their action reaction time was quick.

They were good at making use of their surroundings.

Their most powerful ability was that they could make use of their surroundings to disguise themselves.

Their intelligence wasn't low either.

This group of agile monkeys was about to catch up with the escaping group in no time.

If not for the four of them constantly throwing smoke bombs around to hide themselves, they would have died long ago.

"Quick! Let's throw another smoke bomb!"

"Captain! I've used up all my smoke bombs."

"Mine too!"

"And mine!"

"Damn it! Am I the only one who still have two more smoke bombs left?"

A muscular man with a long axe and tendons yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Damn it! Let's find an open space to kill our way out!"

Hearing this, the remaining three felt like they had lost.

There was no fear on their faces, only despair.

They saw a martial artist with a long knife searching for something not far away.

"Chang Le, it's Chang Le! The top-tier martial artist, Chang Le!"

Chang Le heard someone calling out his name and turned his head.

His brows furrowed slightly, and his breathing was a little hurried. He had just killed a grade three fierce beast and had yet to fully recover his strength.

"Save me! Big brother Chang Le!" a rough looking man called out anxiously.

When Chang Le saw that it was his subordinates from the same squadron as him.

"You guys quickly run, I'll be on your heels!"

Chang Le charged towards the agile monkeys. After killing two agile monkeys, a high ranking grade three agile monkey appeared.

Chang Le wasn't quick enough to dodge, and his arm was slapped by the ferocious beast.

On the other side of the jungle…

Su Yun used a huge tree to clear out all the fierce beasts.

When the last grade two beast was killed, Su Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

Although these fierce beasts weren't of high levels, the overall number was really just too many.

Then he collected all the bodies of the wanted criminals and tied them to a big tree.

After making sure that he did not miss anything, Su Yun hurriedly left.

So many low level beasts had died here, and the smell of blood penetrated the air.

It would definitely attract countless more beasts to kill.

When that time comes, he would not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

So instead, Su Yun had roughly memorized the surrounding area. He would come back to collect them when he had the time in the future!

Along the way, Su Yun discovered that the speed at which his spiritual power recovered was increasing at an alarming rate!

In the span of a breath, his spiritual power in his entire body actually skyrocketed without him realizing it!

At this moment, Su Yun was also curious about the smoke that was filled with smoke from a distance, so he went to investigate.

Then he saw five people running away.

Su Yun opened his mouth and said, "Do you kids need some help?"