Chapter 31: Fighting Against A Horde of Beasts, Su Yun Disappeared Once Again!

Su Yun went towards them and asked, "I can help. Do any of you need help?"

Looking at Su Yun's expression, one could see that he was very calm, it was as if he had not encountered any ferocious beasts in the jungle.

How could he leave them to die? He was only human. Other than those who wanted to kill him, under normal circumstances, he would lend a hand.

Moreover, the people in front of him should be the very same people who had arrived with him on the same bus. At that time, he was very concerned about his own situation.

An existence like the ferocious beast would never let go of Su Yun's mind!

The hatred that had accumulated for more than a hundred years continued to accumulate within his heart.

It made him understand that humans and ferocious beasts could not coexist together at all!

Killing those creatures was the only way to go!

There was no other way!

And furthermore, Su Yun came out here to improve his combat ability. He encountered and killed some low level fierce beasts.

He wasn't in any danger.

From the moment he had left the base city, those fierce beasts were all killed in an instant.

Even those creatures who were slightly stronger could not escape its fate from being killed!

Su Yun was now looking at how to find his new target.

He was practically dozing off from thinking all this. Someone should give him a pillow.

"Sir, you should hurry up and leave! There's a herd of agile monkeys behind us. They're extremely fast! You're no match for them!" Chang Le yelled as he kept running in Su Yun's direction.

Why isn't this old man listening to his advice?!

Isn't he a hundred-year-old old man?

What is he doing out here?

"Sir, run! Run as fast as you can!" Chang Le shouted with all his might.

His face was filled with anxiety.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was no match for those agile monkeys, he would have protected this man no matter what. He wouldn't let them be hurt again.

The real world was cruel. There were no room for 'ifs'.

"Young man, do you need any help?" Su Yun asked with a smile on his face.

Chang Le and his four subordinates stood rooted to the ground.

At first, they thought that they had misheard the old man, but this time, they were not mistaken....

Didn't the old man see the large group of agile monkeys behind us?

Has he gone mad, or is he stupid?

When the other martial artists encountered such a situation, they didn't even have time to escape. How could an old man stay behind to help?

This was a group of ferocious beasts! Even powerful martial masters could only run for their lives, let alone a very old looking man.

How could he possibly be a match for these ferocious beasts?

Did we misheard him? Did this old man actually said that he wanted to help us?

What kind of magical plan is this?

The question is, what use could you be?

Adding another portion of rations for the ferocious beasts?

They did indeed need help, but looking at the old man's physique, he could be torn into pieces by those agile monkeys.

Even after they escaped, they couldn't protect themselves, let alone protecting the people around them.

They could only give up on this old man.

Just as Chang Le and the four subordinates ran past Su Yun, they suddenly felt the old man's vigorous and powerful aura.

Were they hallucinating?

The old man suddenly became like a prehistoric behemoth, the muscles on his body expanding crazily.

The agile monkeys were stunned by this powerful pressure.

"Where did this old man come from?"

For a moment, Chang Le doubted his own judgement.

The moment the old man's aura changed, Chang Le realized that the old man was not just a simple man.

He was a powerful being that had hid his true strength!

Such being was simply something that only existed in his memories. 

If he ever met one.

Even so, Chang Le did not think that the old man was a match for the agile monkeys.

After all, those beats were just too fast.

Even their highest level beast in the horde was a grade three beast!

In the beginning, he had only exchanged blows with the high-level grade two beasts, but he had not been able to even leave a scratch on them.

Those agile monkeys were extremely fast, and they were quick to respond!

An ordinary martial master would only be able to escape if they met one of these beasts, so how could they have the ability to counterattack with a horde?

Su Yun, who was only dressed in sportswear, looked a little tense.

He might not be able to keep up with his opponent's speed at all.

The old man could only teased the agile monkeys!

"What a pity!" Chang Le sighed and sped up his escape.

Currently, Su Yun was unarmed. How could he be a match for his opponent?

The agile monkeys' speed was so fast that all you could see was a blur of movement in the air.

Su Yun clenched his fist and activated his strength.

"[ Flaming Skin ], activate!"

"[ Demonic Ape Body ], activate!"

"[ Boiling Blood ], activate!"

Su Yun stepped on the ground, and immediately the ground cracked.

Under his high explosive power, he destroyed several agile monkeys that were charging at him with a single punch.

Chang Le and the other four were all stunned at the scene.

They didn't dare to imagine what they were seeing.

This... was the old man's fighting strength had always been so powerful?

High explosive power, incomparably powerful strength.

He was practically a humanoid beast!


Su Yun blasted his fist onto the ground.

The flames instantly ignited the surrounding grass and trees.

The agile monkeys screeched as they were burned by the fire.

Unfortunately, these fellows were only partially burned, which were not in any imminent danger.

Hmm? It looked like this was the first time these agile monkeys had encountered a ferocious beast that they had not killed with one strike.

Chang Le saw that the old man seemed to have suppressed the agile monkeys.

"Master mage, let me help you!" 

Chang Le raised his weapon and charged to aid him.

But Su Yun did not like to be disturbed while he was fighting.

Moreover, not only were these beasts not enough for one person to kill, how could he add another person to disturb his mood?

"All of you, hurry up and leave! Don't worry about me!" Su Yun shouted at the five men.

These people immediately felt in awe. He was actually willing to sacrifice himself for their safety.

This was simply incredible!

We were only strangers, and yet he actually risked his life to save us!

Chang Le's eyes were wide open, and there were stars in his eyes.

He was touched by Su Yun's fearless spirit. He was so touched that he couldn't even speak.

He was ashamed of his own inferiority and secretly admired the man.

Now that things had come to this, Chang Le didn't want to let down the old man's painstaking efforts.

"Let's run!"

He tightly clenched his fists, and the back of his teeth chattered.

"On the way here, we even mocked this old man. I'm too horrible to be called a human!"

"Me too. In order to save us, the old man even disregarded his own life."

"What kind of spirit is this? If a veteran doesn't die, he will just wither away!"

"When I go back, I must work hard to avenge the old man in the future!"

"This enmity is irreconcilable. I swear that I will kill all the ferocious beasts in the world!"

"I don't even know his name. After I return to the city, I will treat his family well!"

As they spoke, everyone's expressions were extremely solemn.

They did not have any intention of joking. Their hearts seemed to be weighted by an unknown emotion that made it hard to breathe.

They kept praying for Su Yun in their hearts, hoping that he would return safely!