Caught in a Web

Dawn slammed on the brakes and preying once more that they wouldn't flip, she turned hard and they started a spin. Jackie gave a high pitched scream and the other two shouted for a second at the unexpected move. They barely missed the second truck slamming into them, and that truck careened off the road nearly flipping having gone up on two wheels.

"God damn girl where'd you learn your driving?" Craig said, and all their hearts were beating a million miles a minute as she shot down the road the other way.

"Did we lose one of them?" She asked pushing the car as hard as it would go, and it was shaking slightly but she wasn't going to slow down. This sudden game of cat and mouse was unexpected and they had no idea the reason for it.

"Uh, it looks like one." Rick said.

"No, the second one just got back on the road." Dawn was trying to decide the best thing to do.

"What do you think about getting out and just making a run for it? There is no way we can out run these trucks in this car. I mean if they are just trying to rob us they can have whatever is in the car. I doubt they are ready to go hunting people down in the hilly plains." She said, because they'd gained a bit of distance.

"They could just drive off the road and search for us." Jackie said.

"Yeah, but it might be smarter. We are sitting ducks here and if we spread out, we'd have a better chance." Craig agreed.

"It gets fucking cold out there at night. We could freeze or get in serious trouble being lost."

"Have a better idea Rick? I want to hear it." Dawn said because the trucks were catching up now, and the choice was gone with how fast they closed the distance. This time she wasn't able to manage a fancy maneuver to get away from them because the two trucks were together.

The first got along side of them and slow moved to push them off the road, and Dawn was forced to slow or flip the car as they hit rocky ground and then the second truck clipped them as the first moved off of them. Which sent them spinning once more out into the sandy rocky area alongside the road.

"Do we have some kind of weapon?" Dawn asked as the trucks had stopped and there were at least four people getting out of the vehicles.

"Not really." Rick said and the four of them moved to get out, because they were sitting ducks. The four running toward them looked ready to do business.

Dawn and Craig were the first out of the car and Dawn was at a disadvantage because she was on the side with the men. She would have gotten around the car and off into the darkness if a shot didn't ring out. Dirt shot up at her feet bringing her up short and one of the men reached out grabbing her upper arm.

Dawn turned and swung, she swung damn hard and got him right in the face. He let out a sound of pain, and she knew that she might have broken his nose. He let go of her, but a second grabbed a fist full of her hair and slammed her down against the hood of the car.

"Fucking grab them, or shoot them!" The one that grabbed her said, and she heard shots fire. However they were different than the one that fired at her. These sounded more like compressed air being fired and she tried to twist kicking back and getting him in the shin. She nearly got away again, but he slammed her head into the hood and that stunned her for a second.

"Calm down girly, no need to injure you yet. It would be an unfair disadvantage." She struggled a bit but he now had a far better hold on her and she felt something cold and metal pressing to the side of her neck. She didn't move, glancing to look at the man, but she couldn't see his face.

"Got them." Another male voice said and he was carrying an unconscious Jackie over one shoulder. Another dragged Rick who looked to be losing consciousness and Dawn realized that they had to of been drugged that the sound was some kind of tranq gun or something. It wasn't long before Craig was dropped near the other three.

Dawn felt a hot sting in the side of her neck that hurt as he shot her with whatever they'd given the others.

"Should be proud of yourself, gave us a run for our money. Nearly flipped our car back there." There was a bit of a laugh from the others, except the one that was trying to stop the bleeding from his nose.

"I'd bet on this one." One said pointing at Dawn. "She's a fighter, quick thinker too. Knew exactly what we were going to do before we did it."

"No matter, they'll all be dead once in the layout with it." There was laughter again and the world was spinning away from her. In the layout? With what? What was it? She tried hard to stay awake, and jerked a bit when the one holding her picked her up.

"What a little hellion we caught. They always love a show, looks like a good find tonight." The main one commented and Dawn felt sick as the ground spun and she was hoisted over his shoulder. She felt her body going limp and the world sliding away. All she knew, was that she was placed in the back bed of the truck and there was a lot of padding on it. Then a top was snapped down over her, and whoever was lying next to her. Didn't matter for long because she was out cold then.

Dawn wasn't sure how long they drove, or if they were even still driving when she started to wake up. But several times she was aware of voices. Laughter and talking, and being moved from place to place, or rather surface to surface. She thought that she saw a doctor at one point checking her over before a sting in her arm and she was out again.

When Dawn finally opened her eyes for real, she had no idea where she was. All she knew was that this wasn't right, and there was no one around her. The smell of the place was kind of like a storm, and maybe fruit she wasn't sure. Her head spun and she slowly sat up and the room was filled with a dull blue light.

Not sure that she wanted to call out to see if anyone was there, she touched her head. Which she was having a slight headache from whatever drugs they'd pumped her with. It was hard to focus at first and she looked around the room that she had been placed in. The walls looked concrete, but it was more like a storage room, or it looked that way.

There were crates down here and she could see a door that was metal and had no visible handles on it. She slowly turned her head to the left and what looked like thick glass was along one part there, but it was dark and she couldn't tell if anyone was on the other side. She slowly looked around the crates and to her left where there was a set of metal stairs that went up, and an opening below them that went to another room that had a normal light spilling out of it.

Where was she? Was she dreaming, because she felt okay besides the fact she'd been given drugs and dragged some place that she didn't know. She moved standing up slowly and not making a sound, she had nothing on her as well. Just her shirt, skirt and shoes that she'd been wearing. Which weren't really meant for running. Her heart was pounding a bit and she slipped her shoes off feeling it better to be able to run just in case.

The crates in the room were wooden for the most part, and it looked like up above where the stairs went, some kind of plant was hanging down. She felt so confused. Where the hell was she, and what was she doing here. Why had they run her off the road and was this reality?

"Hello!?" She heard someone above her shout, and it sounded a lot like Jackie. There was sudden movement down here with her. It sounded soft, sound like some kind of animal, and a second later she saw something sleek and black shoot up the stairs at a high rate of speed. She also saw the tail disappear and she swallowed.

What had that been? She had a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Where ever she was, nothing good was clearly about to happen.