Place Your Bets

Sal Debutant had one love in the world, and that was money. He loved it more than power even and as long as he had it he was happy. He had his largest money maker yet, and that was Lucian. A favorite to bet on in all sorts of things. Also he loaned him out at times for those that were more interested in politics and wanted certain people taken care of. After all how did you trace a random animal attack? He was smiling wearing a very expensive suit as those with just as much money if not more came in. However none of them had one of the rare creations like Lucian. So that put him above them.

It was a very tricky thing to find those that wanted to bet on this kind of thing. Those that wanted to make money and enjoy a sport that had been played for a very long time. Since the Roman Coliseum, you'd be surprised how many enjoyed this. It was finding those with the money to actually come. Ones that didn't have some bleeding heart, and now he had a rather large following. They were all meeting here face to face, it showed how serious you were. If one went down all did, after this they wouldn't meet again until the next.

"You've all been given a packet, each sheet in the packet will give you the odds and the different items you may place money on. What you want to bet and how much. The lowest bet of course is ten thousand." There was a rustling of paper as those in the room built like a very small theatre sat down. There were twenty people or so sitting in the room.

There were multiple Tvs and computer screens, but one large window that looked out at a free standing structure. It was all underground and had taken several years to build, but Debutant had the money, and he'd gotten it done.

"Now I know that we have a few new attendees so a brief overview." Debutant spoke and the rest looked at him stopping their viewing of the papers. The window behind him changed and became more like a screen. It showed images of all the rooms in this place.

"The structure behind me is a two stories, with a three story only over half of it. The bottom four rooms are different set up of a storage area, a living room, garage, and dining area. Between the living room and the garage is a bathroom area set up like a large public one with a staircase coming down the middle of it and in the storage area." Everyone was listening because the betting field changed somewhat every year.

"There are entry and exits all over, up and down and in walls. Upstairs there is a main room that is set up more like a garden which will give food to those that are in play, and where we can put other items in if needed." Behind him the screen changed to what he was talking about, showing the room as a schematic and what it looked like. "The next two rooms are a bedroom, with a small loft area and then the next room is simply a prison like room, jail cells and such."

"Now the tablets attached to your chair will allow you to place the bets and attach your funds. This betting and game will go on for a few weeks depending on how well the players can survive. You can bet on as much or as little as you like, but you must have three bets placed."

"What is the third room on top?" One man asked pointing to the outline behind Debutant.

"Ah, that is Lucian's holding room. At certain times he'll be called back there. It is to allow us to take out any that may perish or to add another player. We slowly do so, four are placed in to start, when worked up he can be difficult to handle at the best of times. As most of you know he isn't really human."

"How does this work, he just runs around killing them and we bet on who lives?" One woman asked, there were only five women present out of the twenty. This one was a new comer but clearly eager to bet.

"It is kill or be killed as the players will soon find out. He is their enemy and so are the rest of the players. However Lucian will not engage until he is told to do so most times. You can bet on everything from the first room to be destroyed to the first death, and I will give you a rundown of the players in a moment. Lucian is told to leave one of them alive at the end, so you may bet on whomever you think that will be. They have been graded on our belief of their skill or tenacity by the research done on each."

"If we think that they might try and simply kill Lucian as a team?" One asked.

"You can bet on that." Debutant said with a smile. "Though the odds on that are a hundred thousand to one. The chances of Lucian being killed are extremely slim, and to be fair to those that have just entered, the vets here can tell you that several times they have tried to band together to kill him. Never worked." There was a murmur of agreement and a bit of laughter from a couple.

"Now we will go over the players, there are ten in all. Seven men and three women." They just listened as they went over the players as they called them. One had military background, and two others were part of the fighting ring that had been going on. They seemed a favorite to make it longer, they were also told how each was captured and brought here.

They were a bit impressed with the bit of video at how Dawn's group was caught. That they seemed fast sprinters and Dawn was clearly resourceful and had out maneuvered the larger cars. Would have gotten away with a better vehicle. They were also impressed by the one who was diabetic, he'd nearly killed one of those coming to get them.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, if you would take your time and place the bets that you would like. Each of you will have a separate account with me, and as time goes money will either be added or subtracted depending on if you were correct or not. You may come and watch when you please, each has their own code so that we may monitor who is coming and going. Second each of you has a different code that will allow you to live feed anywhere you wish to watch or know what is going on."

He looked at the crowd and while he was positive none would talk of this to others, he needed to be sure. He held up a basket and then lowered it. "I want to remind you the secrecy that we have here, and should anyone speak of this to others without approval from me personally there is a high price to pay. Before being given this location, I requested one item from each of you. Some article, and this is why."

Debutant snapped his fingers and the room that they were sitting in was darker which allowed the screens to be seen clearly. As they were sitting here talking the first of the players were being put into the room. There were a couple guards at the door that was on the left but they didn't move, and the door didn't open. There was a gasp from one of the women as she saw the movement first.

"Before you came here, I had each item tested to be sure that it belonged to you. Everyone was true to giving me an item. Should you slip up and allow another to see your feeds, or speak to one it's your life. There is far too much at stake for all involved to play this nicely. So keep your mouths shut ladies and gentlemen."

The group was silent, they were watching the large odd animal move down the side of the sitting area. He had been sitting up in the corner the entire time just watching them and none had seen him, even the ones that had seen him before.

Lucian sat next to Debutant in the front and sitting his head was up to his rib cage. He had the sliver collar on which was tighter now with the fact he was an animal. He didn't make a sound, but he did give a flash of teeth and that was enough to keep them inline.

"He isn't going to be corralled by the police, nor even a swat team. There are ways in and out of here that only I know and any who betray our little circle will be getting a visit from Lucian." He knew that he had their attention and that he was understood perfectly.

"You can go down and go in, once in and locked, place the collar at the slide door." Debutant told Lucian who moved then and lopped up to the door, the guards had the scent of fear and opened the door as he went out. He then ran down to where he was supposed to go.

"We will start once they start waking up, please place your bets. After you can stay as long as you want, we have guest areas if you desire to use them." The screens around the room lit up showing different camera angles from the rooms down below and the still unconscious people completely unaware of what was about to happen.


Lucian went in and was in the storage area first where he tossed the collar down at the small slide door and then he moved through the room up to the plant room. It was muggy in here, and the sound of running water came to him. He didn't have to go to his containment room yet. They'd let him roam around with the unwary until they knew what was at stake. Sometimes he'd have to tell them if they were being stubborn about it. He became his animal moving about the rooms gaining more information with his senses this way.

He moved around the rooms investigating and found two men. Neither were ones that came with Dawn, so they would be put in later. He found the first woman in the plant area. He'd passed by her the first time as she'd been in the back of it. He came up and had his nose close to her, she smelled a lot like soap. His canine like head tipping slightly.

His muzzle however was more pointed and almost lizard like. She was going to be an easy kill he knew it. She would panic and run, probably be a screamer too. He turned from her and went down the stairs and through the dining room before circling back into the storage area and found the last one.

Which was Dawn, and he moved up looking down at her like he had the other woman. This excited him, she was in early which gave him time to play with her. Though he wasn't allowed to interact with the humans until one attacked him. He didn't have the collar so he didn't always follow that rule. Sometimes he'd get anxious or really hated one of the humans.

This one though, he really hoped one tried to take a shot at him quickly then it was fair game. Let's face it, he didn't get much joyful things in his life. Yeah there was a rush through him at the kill or hunt, but physically he was stabbed and hit a lot, got bones broken. He'd take what he could get. Since she'd been nice to him, it was easy to make the decision on whom he'd let live to the end. Assuming she didn't piss him off and he would feel like killing her.

He inhaled her scent, that mango and tangerine scent was kind of addicting, he took a stronger breath of it. A definite quick response through his body, so much easier than normal and the primitive part was ecstatic. When it boiled down to it, animals did two things, survived and mated. If you wanted the fast and easy version of life, that's what it was. So that part of him was happy to find something interesting and suitable in his eyes. After all that was what he'd been taught, what was your use? What could you provide others, and what did others want you for?

He moved a bit placing one clawed hand on the other side of her, he let his tongue flick out. It got her across the neck and jaw bone. Her scent rushed in even more with that movement and her taste was good too. That slightly salty taste to skin, but also an odd sweetness. She took a slow strong breath in and her eyes moved a bit. He backed off knowing that she was going to wake up soon. So he moved back crouching between some storage crates that were empty and just watched her.

It was about ten minutes before she really moved, and was clearly disorientated, she sat up slowly looking around. The confusion on her face was clear and she didn't call out, though she opened her mouth like she might. Smart, she was clearly assessing the situation and if it was even worth it to call out.

She touched her head, and took a slow look around the room with the dim blue light. He could see her just fine. He watched the way that she moved, she slowly went to stand up being quiet and looking for something. Her gaze moved over where he was, but he wasn't moving at all and this corner was dark. A minute went by and they both heard the woman upstairs call out.

He needed to stop watching her, or he'd act on what his imagination was now picturing. He had the time to do what he wanted, just not yet. She'd been put in first, and they weren't going to come and remove her. Since she was in, and Debutant didn't know he already had an interest, he wasn't going to manipulate Lucian's actions that way.

Instead Lucian darted up the stairs, and he knew that she'd caught a glimpse of him. No matter, she'd see more than just a glimpse once things really started to happen. Hopefully one of the others wouldn't off her before he got his chance to get what he wanted.