Unique Creature

Lucian was starving and his animal needed food and blood. He was waiting for the reward promised to him and was growing agitated. Lucian didn't drink much water, whatever they'd put in his genes had done something to him in that way. He got the water he needed from the blood he drank and it was mineral rich too which gave him a high. He didn't always have to get it from a live source but that was preferable.

Lucian could just eat fresh raw meat and get some blood that way too. Wasn't like he got to read the medical file on how he was created. Some hybrid mash up no doubt. Typically a hybrid wasn't as healthy, wasn't as good as a full blood creature. Though none of them had been engineered had they? Nature selected in a different way.

Right now with his wounds, his own body was starving for the blood. It had slowed on the healing. He'd need solid food in a bit, but he could smell the man, hear his heart beating fast and hard. He knew exactly what Lucian was and did.

He just lopped forward watching the man who backed up putting his hands out, he could smell the man's fear. He also knew who this was, a doctor that had tested Lucian many times for different things. He felt his lip curl, he didn't like this doctor very much, and he hadn't cared the means. Looked like Debutant found who'd been leaking information. This doctor wasn't going to be able to loan Lucian for tests any more.

"Wait." he said holding his hand out toward Lucian who changed back into a human. It would just be easier. It appeared that he was wearing clothes again, even though what he'd been wearing was shredded, but it was just an illusion. Something he could do, just like healing and talking to another in their mind, but he preferred to just stay silent more than not. No one wanted to hold a conversation with him any ways. What were they going to talk about? The weather? Made him laugh inside.

"I want my reward." He told the man, and moved faster than was humanly possible. He grabbed the man by the throat slamming him back into the metal wall hard. The doctor gasped trying to breathe and shoved at his wrist but the grip was more than the man could possibly break. Lucian's voice was soft when he spoke, but it was strong and deep.

"St…op." The man choked out, but he should already know that it didn't matter what he said. He'd seen this play out a thousand times before. He'd never stopped for the others, why would he for him? This Doctor meant nothing to him, and why was he better than Lucian? Sure he didn't have to kill him when taking the blood, could leave him alive. He just wasn't going too.

Take just enough, and sometimes he did. It was nice to have a blood bank living with you for a while. When he did that, he didn't allow anyone to come in and take the human out. He'd refuse the food too because he knew that they would put tranquilizers in it. He could live on just blood for a long time. Today he needed a lot, and the doctor was out of luck.

He yanked his head to the side and already knew where the large vein was in the throat, the other ones that worked well were in the underside of the arm and the one in the leg. Being human to do it, also stopped him losing to much of the precarious liquid to the ground. The doctor tried to fight but he was pulling a lot of his blood out in a fast manner, mouthfuls.

See when he bit, his incisors could slice the vein completely depending on how deep he bit. Or if he let the coagulant in his saliva begin to take effect. Seeing he wasn't keeping the man around, and he didn't care the damage that he caused him, he'd bit harder and deeper than he should. The man made a sound of pain, sometimes it was painful, sometimes blissful. Depended on the person really.

The man started to go limp, and before long he was only being held up by Lucian's strength alone. The blood wasn't flowing out of him as easily anymore and his heart was laboring. Having taken a large amount he let him fall to the ground, they were close to the door. Looking down he touched his side just above the pant line. The wound sealed before his eyes, the last little bit healing, and the bruising on his ribs was gone, along with the sore feeling in his leg.

Perfect. With a thought he turned and darted across the room again. He had restless energy now and paused only briefly when they came to remove the body. Lucian just watched and after the door closed he started to pace rather restlessly in one part of the room. In this part you could see that he'd worn a path in the floor. It was discolored from where he normally paced. He couldn't help it, the animal didn't care to be caged and underground. This however was his life, and Lucian knew no other way of living. How could you when all you'd ever been was property?

He stopped becoming human again and ran across the room to the windows that were there. The glass was extremely thick and bullet proof. Enough to stop him from easily smashing it out when he got into a fit or something. It was near six inches thick, and he moved along them watching those that they were carrying, or wheeling in.

The predator that was in him watched the helpless and unconscious people, easy prey. Too easy, but in the grand scheme of things, when it was easy, that was an opportunity you shouldn't pass up. But he didn't like the taste of human flesh, just their blood.

The first three that came in were all male, and one had a slight gash on his head and a bruise. Clearly was hit hard over the head. They didn't look too bad, not in bad shape nor old, but that was what Debutant liked. He watched as they placed the three men on the exam tables and a couple doctors checked them over. They drew blood and touched every part of them doing a physical. One man started to wake and they shot him back up with the sleeping drug.

"All physically fine, this one is diabetic however." One doctor said pointing to one of the men. "Needs insulin, they saw it in the car."

"Then make sure he gets the doses he needs, leave some with him when he's put in. Not like he's going to live all that long" Debutant commented and the doctor gave a nod, and the three were removed from the exam tables and then from the room. The voices of those out there was muffled and hard to hear, but he could make them out. His hearing was phenomenal.

The door opened again and this time four men came in, one had bandages over his nose clearly having been struck. He was carrying a blonde haired woman, and Lucian just stood staring, assessing what he could of the unconscious people. The second unwitting player was a man, and looking at him Lucian was sure that he'd seen him before. It hit him, the memory of this man just before the second woman and man came into view.

Now that was pure luck right there, the second woman had copper brown hair, and her eye lids were fluttering a bit as if she might wake. He walked along the glass in time with the man holding her, looked like he might actually get what he really wanted as a reward after all.

He put a hand on the glass just watching, and those there just ignored him like always. They didn't like his stare, didn't like his presence so they pretended that it wasn't there. As he watched the one he knew was named Dawn, was given more to put her back out and so was one of the men with her.

He felt that desire again just watching her, and this time he wasn't going to be told to stay where he was. There wasn't going to be a reason that he couldn't reach out and touch her. He wanted to too. Few things turned his head or grabbed his attention for long amounts of time, she was doing that at the moment. All for her simple gesture and touch, he bet that she felt as soft as her touch was. Something about her was unique and stuck with his animal quite a bit. A welcome sensation.

"They all look fine, wait for the couple other tests like the rest but they should work just fine." The main doctor said and Lucian was still staring at the woman Dawn. He hoped they put her in first, that way he'd have more time. Plus he wasn't required to kill them all, one could survive the rounds, and then they'd dispose of them.

"Good put them with the others and bring the rest in. I have a few calls to make." Debutant said and moved stopping by the window where Lucian was standing. Debutant was holding the slim metal collar and there was a matching bracelet around his wrist.

He didn't know where the man had gotten it, nor how it worked. Just that whatever Debutant told him to do while he was wearing it, he had to do. He couldn't fight the urge, or if he did he was hit with debilitating pain. The energy in it said magic to Lucian, but no where else had he ever come across magic. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. All he knew was that it worked, and he was Debutant's favorite pet.

"We'll be leaving shortly. Any you feel are best, may be partial to?" He asked him and Lucian watched those going out and the next coming in. Debutant always asked him this, it helped him decide on his betting sheets. The odds if you would, Lucian just continued to stare at him.

"No? Should be interesting then." Oh it was going to be interesting, he just didn't want to deal with whatever road block Debutant would throw at him if he knew his sudden interest with the one woman. His mind was already playing over things.

"You'll put the collar on when I come back, and then we will go." Sal turned knowing that Lucian wouldn't respond. He just turned and moved away from the windows to pace in his favorite spot again.