What They're In For

Dawn just watched the others from a safe spot. She and Mitch, who seemed to also think it stupid to do anything against Lucian. She also saw that he had insulin in that case of his. He just looked at her and shrugged. They had given him measured out shots in a cooling case that kept the insulin at the right temp until use.

"I'm running really low. I guess they want me to jump up on this killing thing. Sooner I do it, the sooner I get out right?" He said with a half-smile, he'd shown her the injections inside the really small case he had.

"Just another variable." He gave a nod, and they were looking down at the storage area through the floor.

"They're stupid, clearly this has been going on for a while. What makes them think they can do what others haven't been able to do? JD served for a bit, I think that's gone to his head." Clearly they were no longer friends. The small group had been at this for hours now. She was surprised that Lucian hadn't done anything yet. She wasn't sure where he disappeared to.

"I think a lot of things have gone to his head." They were watching how they had moved the crates that they could to give them a chance at defending themselves. She'd turned them down when they asked her, and so had Mitch. So they were told if they got in the way, they were expendable. They weren't going to stop them, but they sure as shit weren't going to help them. That was suicide in their opinion.

"He knows exactly what they are doing." She said to him, and it had been a bit of time since she spoke to Lucian by the stairwell. They were just waiting to see what was going to happen. It wasn't like things were private in here.

"All I know is that he'll probably be pissed or worked up after this. I'm going to be very careful. I've been watching him too, his actions are a lot more like an animal than not." She looked at him.

"Yeah? With the mind of a human, sound dangerous."

"Extremely, think about it. He clearly has some morals or knows right and wrong, but he lets what he feels to dictate it. I'm a vet, or was and reading animals when they are stressed is my job. Stress manifests different in all of us. He's extremely stressed, just doesn't realize it because he's never been out of this situation. I'll bet you right now that when he is locked up and waiting for these games he paces his cell continuously in one spot. Sprints from spot to spot, not walks. He's high strung. He's a predator, they don't do well with these kinds of things. This control, he's gotten nothing a normal human needs to function let alone an animal. You can't keep an animal caged like this all it's life and not expect it to lash out once in a while."

"Any tips then doctor?" She asked him.

"Yeah give him what he wants or needs. Like handing a starving dog food. It doesn't trust, but it's starving so it comes anyway. Then when it learns you aren't a threat it will slowly trust you. He's got the mind of a person, so a bit more complicated but tell me my logic doesn't make sense? Show an abused person love and kindness and they will keep coming back to you. They need you for that comfort, for what they've never had. Even when it's unconscious."

"It does make sense." She commented, she figured because she was still alive. All because she'd stopped and spoken to him, given him a bit of aid. Even if he knew it was so she didn't have to go back, she'd been real about it.

If you looked at it from an animal standpoint, it would be that kind hand holding food. You'd come back looking to see if there was more. She'd caught his attention with the gesture and since she had yet to show him any animosity his attitude was a bit different toward her. For one he actually spoke and answered her questions.

"LUCIAN!" They jumped at JD suddenly calling out, and Craig grabbed his shoulder.

"Shut up, we aren't ready."

"We are as ready as we are ever going to be, and I'm sick of waiting. Now man up, or get the fuck away from me." JD said shrugging him off. JD clearly had no patience whatsoever, he was a ticking time bomb.

"Come out here you son of a bitch!" He called. "I'm not sitting around here anymore waiting for you to be told, or decide to rip into us. Do something that's your own choice for once!" JD had a chain that was wrapped around his hand. The other two metal pipes that they had cut off of something to use. There was silence that met his challenge.

"Come on you experimental freak!" He shouted and stood waiting.

'What makes you think I haven't been watching? That I would willingly come into your field of play to begin with?' Everyone looked around, but the voice was so much louder than it normally was. Dawn knew that it was in her head. She'd heard it before, and the others seemed to wonder if that had actually been in their heads not realizing it yet.

"If we aren't fighting each other, aren't you supposed to make sure we are taken out of play?" Craig demanded and the three down below stood there. Clearly there was no good way to determine where he was.

'Unlike you, I'm in no hurry to go anywhere.' Lucian stated via mind. No one could pinpoint where he was because the voice was in their heads and how'd you get a direction on that?

"Going to hide like a coward? Get out here." Tammy said. Dawn had heard her name when Craig had called for her once.

'I was being nice, I come out, the three of you will be ending your time here rather quickly. I will kill you. I will win.' Came the sound of Lucian's voice in their heads.

"They're digging their own grave." Mitch whispered to her and was looking around the room. The two of them still couldn't see anything either. But then there was a quick movement along one of the walls and he appeared landing on one of the crates. He was just far enough away to not trigger a few of the traps set, and he sat on his haunches looking toward the three. His tail feel along the crate and swayed slightly.

'Take your shot then. He told them. I was getting bored anyways.' Lucian spoke menatally to them. They got a very good look at him where he chose to sit. His front hand like claws were hooked over the side of the crate and digging in. His teeth were showing a bit more. Almost like a taunting smile, but he was terrifying looking either way in Dawn's opinion. The intimidation factor of showing himself definitely worked.

It was Tammy who moved first, none of them had seen what she'd clearly been hiding. She raised up something that looked like a makeshift bow. She shot something at Lucian, he jumped to the left in a quick way. It almost looked panicked but the crate he leapt at was taller than the one he was on. He hit the side of it, griping it for a second before launching himself up and onto the wall. The large crate went down with the force he pushed off. Clearly what he meant to do.

As it came down the three down there ran to the left. It went down and must have hit a few trip wires or something, because they saw two crates suddenly slam together and a few spiked items go flying. Clearly they had been setting up an elaborate plan. There were still more in the maze of crates though, and now it was a game of cat and mouse.

"Where's it go?" Craig demanded. He'd see that thing climb up the wall and now it had to be above them, but it was hard to see with the lights up there creating a dark void behind them.

"You didn't say it could climb!" Tammy said to JD in an angry whisper. He was holding the chain tight and she pulled up the bow aiming up.

"I never saw it climb before." JD snapped. Tammy whipped around at the hollow sound of something hitting a crate behind them. JD went flat to the floor and a good thing to as the wickedly sharp and hard spade of his tail sailed right over him slicing a bit of clothes.

The middle of the tail got Craig and he went flying back and slammed into a few crates getting winded. Tammy shot her makeshift arrow at him, but he was already moving, launching over onto the wall and sending the crate he was on to the ground again. It hit a few more of the wires and Craig gave a sound of pain as a spike of wood shot into his leg.

"Fuck." He said reaching down and pulling it out. He then ripped his shirt and wrapped it around his calf.

"He's taking out the traps." Tammy said moving around a few crates.

"No shit." JD commented and pulled at the side of one of the crates and it opened he reached in and pulled out a drinking glass that had something sealing the top. There were a couple of them in there.

Lucian was up above them and watching. They had set up a lot of different traps if you would. Mainly the traps would wound him, but make it easier on them hopefully. Didn't they know an injured animal was a dangerous one? But he wasn't worried, though he wasn't exactly sure what the small drinking glasses were.

For a makeshift bow Tammy did a pretty good job. Her fake arrows worked pretty damn well, one was sticking in the side of a crate. He knew that he'd have to get rid of them, and quickly. They were starting to get desperate. Desperate people were more unpredictable, Lucian however was far better equipped than they knew. This would be the last mistake they made coming after him.