Last Mistake

"Stop running around you son of a bitch!" JD called and lit something in his hand. When they got scared or angry, they sure liked to swear at him a lot.

So quick to rush to your death. He mentally spoke and moved along the ceiling to a part of the wall that they weren't looking at and came down quickly. It was closer to the gap by the plant room and he could hear Mitch and Dawn there. But they didn't concern him. They were just spectators, smart or he'd have done something when he passed by.

He moved slowly forward knowing that most the traps were destroyed now and he could see Tammy through a gap. He moved even more slowly so he didn't make a sound. He felt excitement going through him, this was hunting and any predator felt that rush of adrenaline go through them, hit or miss. He felt every muscle coiling and ready. He was low to the ground and creeping forward a bit more every second.

"Watch everywhere, he has to be coming at us." JD said and they were looking up mostly. Tammy was slowly turning looking at everything. He was only six feet from her. More than close enough for him to spring at her. He waited though, because he wanted her to see her mistake and know she'd lost.

When she turned and her gaze came down, she didn't even get the warning out. Her green eyes met his and he saw the fear. How she tried to raise her weapon. But he was already leaping forward and hit her square in the chest. She screamed and her arm came up which ended up in his mouth, and the only thing that stopped him from clamping down around her throat.

His bite was forceful and snapped her arm, blood gushed into his mouth. Then down her upper arm as his teeth tore flesh and muscle. His claws racked into her body tearing, and this was all in a matter of seconds. He'd swiped his tail knocking the other two down and out of the way so they couldn't jump on him. She screamed again at the pain in her stomach and how he tore at her. He'd let go of her arm and his jaws found her throat clamping down and she was silenced then.

The sweet rush of his own adrenaline mixed with the intake of her laced blood and what a high that was. His mouth was full of her blood, and it was on him too. He let go of her hearing JD getting up and turned his head. Just in time too, because he threw the glass hard toward him, and instinct made him jump forward.

The glass hit the crate behind him and it exploded. A small fireball going up and he felt the heat from it. He gave an angry sound, and hissed. He didn't much care for fire, but the fact was that JD had a few more and the crate near him was now a blaze.

"What now you piece of shit." JD said from where he was standing and Lucian was watching him just down the row of crates. He was holding another one of those glasses. Which he got from the dining room and the chemicals must have been from the garage. Debutant liked to give them things to see just how clever they could be.

All you have is two left, better make them count. Lucian warned and moved forward a bit when JD moved to throw it, he darted to the right. However JD didn't throw it just then and Lucian needed him to throw and miss. Then it was really game over. It was the biggest advantage he could have, burns would be horrible to have and painful.

He went up the wall which was a hard wood over metal and concrete. He moved a bit slower and JD was clearly trying to gauge where he was going to move. Worse came to worst, Lucian could always just fall off the wall to the floor to avoid the flame, and that would be one more down. Craig was standing next to him watching.

Lucian tensed holding onto the wall, he could easily launch himself from here onto them. Craig grabbed the third glass lighting it and holding it for JD.

"Make sure you get him."

"No shit." JD said and tossed the glass he had hard and fast. Lucian chose to drop from the wall because that was better. He landed down below as a human and crouched covering his head as flames shot over the wall and started it on fire.

Above him he heard the other two running to get away from it as it had shot up toward the opening. He shifted and darted toward the living room area to circle back around to the other two. Just one more cocktail. He crept forward slowly keeping a crate between them that blocked their view.

"See him?"


"Think we got him?" Craig asked,

"I'm sure we would have heard something if we did." Yeah they would have, and then he'd just have gone at them in a rampage. Smoke was starting to fill the room a bit, and he wondered how long Debutant would let the fires in here burn before he put them out. He heard running down the stairs.

"Stop you guys are going to burn us alive!" Mitch said having covered his face with his shirt.

"Shut up, you aren't doing anything to help our situation." JD said.

"A situation that has been played out many times. Lucian is still alive, this is a sure way to get yourself killed." Dawn said looking at the flames starting to climb the walls.

"That's helpful coming from the bitch who's made friends with it." JD commented and Lucian moved up and glanced up at the tall crate. He could easily jump up to the top of that. But he didn't want them to hear. Instead he looked up higher.

He could jump up and grab the highest support beam there and then land on it lightly. He became human again and got up on a different crate. None of them seeing him and he jumped. His hand grabbed the bar and then he pulled himself up a bit before shifting and gripping with all fours. He moved across the ceiling and then positioned himself above the crate.

"I'm not the one about to get my throat torn out. Looks like I'm doing something right." Dawn retorted. He had to agree, that she was. He landed with light feet on the crate, Craig started to turn but Lucian was already shifting and launched himself down and onto him with a snarl.

Craig swung his weapon having already given JD, who had the best aim, the maltov-cocktail. Craig got him in the side of the head, and that had hurt a bit. Both had high amount of adrenaline, his favorite feeling for the most part. It cut down on the pain, and his mouth closed over his upper shoulder.

He didn't get to dig his claws in, he had to jump away. He was facing JD and he was clearly going to toss the glass, even with him on Craig. Lucian shifted and rolled between two crates. Craig rolled too on his side and curled up as the glass smashed and exploded.

Lucian felt the heat and it was enough to cause his arm to turn instantly red, but it was more like bad sunburn. Craig got up ripping his shirt of which was on fire and he had a couple burns on his back now.

"Fuck!" He shouted tossing the shirt and got up grabbing his weapon but giving JD a nasty look. It said that if they lived, he was going to kill the man.

"Back to back." JD said and the two of them did. Lucian had shifted back to animal. Where he'd gone had brought him right in front of Dawn and Mitch. His lips pulled back and his teeth were showing, he had the urge to attack them. He wasn't really thinking with the human part all that much. Instinct was starting to take over.

Dawn slowly took steps back and was shaking her head, Mitch also stepped back. She was closer to the living room and him the dining. His tail swept side to side slightly as if he might lash out, but they kept backing up. Not sensing a threat he turned and moved back toward the other two.

Lucian became human and just as he did the room was suddenly dowsed with water from above. The fires were going out and it also helped to start clearing the smoke. It felt good on his arm too, which he looked at. It was just a light burn nothing more and would heal very quickly.

"Keep a sharp eye." JD said and Craig just nodded. After a minute the water stopped pouring down on them and the concrete floor. It rush toward the drain and as it stopped Craig tightened his hold on the weapon that he had. Lucian was standing facing him. His grey eyes were darker, and it was clear he wasn't playing any games.

"Out of fire I see." He said and JD turned looking at him as well. Lucian glanced down at Tammy who was clearly dead. He took a few steps forward and reached down picking up the pipe that was tucked in her waist band.

"Doesn't mean we don't stand a chance." Lucian curled a lip at him.

"You never had one." Lucian just moved forward and had very quick strides. He swung at Craig first and Craig tried to block the blow with his own weapon. However Lucian was far stronger and it didn't work as well and jarred him badly. Nearly making him drop the weapon.

JD swung the chain and Lucian moved to avoid it, but got the edge of it on his side. He shifted and swung with his tail. JD jumped back missing it, but Craig wasn't fast enough and it got him right in the chest. For a second he looked stunned and then coughed and a bit of blood flecked his lips.

Lucian didn't wait, he yanked his tail back and went at JD. However the aisle was more narrow and so he shifted human grabbing the pipe again and fought with him. He had to give it to the man, he was very good. Knew how to fight and move, but the fact that Lucian did this nearly every day of his life and was stronger was the undoing for JD.

"You'll just keep playing this scene over and over until they don't need you anymore. Why bother?" JD asked him, wiping some blood from the corner of his mouth. Lucian had struck him both with his fist and the pipe. Plus they both had gotten a few good hits to the other's body. Wasn't that all any of them did? The same thing over and over until you died one day?

"Because I like being alive, and my value hasn't run out like yours." JD swung with the chain, but missed and Lucian managed to grab it. He yanked on it and that brought JD's arm out because of how he'd been holding it and had it wrapped. He brought the pipe down hard and it broke his arm, he let out a scream of pain.

He kicked at JD sending him to the ground and what a great feeling it was to win, to be better. The second that his jaws crushed his throat he felt that jubilance run through him. He didn't care who you were, or what you did. There was a rush you felt, the endorphins that ran through you were like an extreme high. Plus he'd just had a decent fight, they'd been smart. He'd just been better.

However he didn't get away scot-free. He had a few wounds, and one of the hits with the chain he was pretty sure that he had a cracked rib, however it would heal fast. He'd gotten a good amount of blood. But when one was killed he was also supposed to move their bodies close to the far door, they needed to remove them.

So he grabbed the three dead one at a time and pulled them over to the door. The smell of blood was intoxicating, but he'd gotten enough and didn't feel the need for more. He looked down at them and didn't really feel anything. They'd have killed him, so he killed them. That was how it worked. What he'd been trained to do, it just got old after a while. He touched his side looking at the bruise that was starting to yellow.

He just made a slight sound of annoyance and then moved off through this room. He glanced up hearing someone moving above him and by the sound he figured that it was Mitch. He wasn't going to bother him so he let him be.

Besides his company wasn't the one that he wanted anyways. He figured that they would come for the bodies and then after that let others in. Which gave them an hour perhaps a bit more depending on if they thought he was far too worked up and wouldn't want him to attack the others before they got a chance.

Normally after something like this, yes he was worked up and right now he felt a tightness to his muscles. He was high strung, but he wasn't going to go to his holding room either. He had a different avenue that he'd like to explore instead. Which right now he had the time and was feeling the rush strongly. Here was was an opportunity, so he'd take it. Just how it worked out for him most times.