The Reaction He Likes

Dawn rubbed her head thinking. She was screwed, this place was going to be the end of her life. How did fate hate her that much? All she'd done was go out with a guy and now she wasn't going to see the sun again. She stood up and grabbed the vase that was sitting there and tossed it. It smashed against the wall and shattered.

"Fuck you people!" She shouted and flicked the camera off that she knew was in the wall. She could see the small hole there and knew. She then grabbed the TV stand that was there and tipped it over and took her crowbar to it. She figured that she was having a mental breakdown, but who could blame her? She just felt this anger snap in her.

She turned and smashed it into the wall there and swung it into the TV stand before some of the pictures destroying them.

"Fucking psychos!" She said and tossed the crowbar into the corner of the room. It hit her target and hard. She was happy when she heard the crack and saw a bit of spark. Good, not that they didn't have a million more cameras.

"Feels good doesn't it?" She turned her head sharply looking at Lucian. He stood in the doorway and his hair was still a bit wet from the sprinklers in the other room. Though time had passed it was still damp.

"It would feel better if it was them." She stated and glanced over at the crowbar that she had tossed. She kind of regretted that now. He noted her gaze and had a slight smile.

"If I was going to come after you, I doubt that would help you. It didn't help them."

"No it didn't, but I also don't want you to take it away. I don't know how many more will be coming in. It won't stay just me and Mitch." She said watching him. The room had been set up so that the long couch had its back to the entrance that led to the storage room. The TV facing the long couch and a couple coffee tables that she'd put her crowbar through with her rage. To the right was the entrance to the bathroom. With him in the doorway, he was still closer to it than she was on the other side of the couch and a destroyed TV stand on her right.

"There's four left including you and Mitch. Two more to let in." He told her. He was watching her and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. Though she shouldn't be surprised.

"Then what?" She asked and he gave a shrug.

"Not exactly sure how they take care of those that are left alive once they leave. Not what I'm concerned about." He moved toward the right, which wouldn't let her move toward the bathroom. She contemplated her options, crawling over the TV stand or the couch. She wasn't exactly sure how malicious his intent was at the moment. Plus she wanted her crowbar back.

"Just concerned with what you can get while in here." She said, she took a couple steps back toward the TV stand. She really didn't care for him coming closer to her. He made her nervous, and she knew exactly what he was capable of. Remembered exactly what he said he wanted.

"Pretty much." He replied with a shrug. "You're smart, you already know in here's the only place you get to stay alive. " He moved so that he was around the edge of the couch, and the back of her legs were touching the overturned TV stand. She guessed if she was going to make a run for it, over the couch was the best choice. She didn't look at it though. Didn't want to let him know her thoughts, because she was pretty sure about his. This was normal to him, what happened in this place. It wasn't to her.

"Until it's over, and they tell you to dispose of me, or they come in. Getting chosen to stay alive in here is not out there." He gave a slight smile showing extremely white teeth.

"Without the collar they can't control me, and second they'd have to get you out first." She looked at him thinking.

"Do you make a habit of keeping others alive for a while just to kill your boredom?" She asked and he was watching her. She was trying to puzzle him out. To know just how much sway he had, what the ones holding his leash would allow. Obviously she wanted to be the one to live, but at what cost?

"Sometimes it's better to keep someone. In case you didn't notice what I enjoy most is blood. Blood from the living is much better than that of the dead or bagged." He made a slightly disgusted look. "I don't always get it, only rewarded with it. So sometimes I do keep someone with me for a while." This was such a bizarre conversation.

"I uh, don't think I like the idea of being a blood bank." He gave a slight smile to her.

"Who said that was all I'd use you for?" She decided she was going to move then. She got a foot up on the couch and her hands on the back ready to vault over it but his arm hit her hard in the stomach bringing her to a sudden stop.

She shoved instead and since he was already pulling her toward him, they both went stumbling back. Though he didn't lose his balance like she hoped that he would. His grip slackened and she tried to jerk away to no avail. She was hoisted up and spun, it was kind of disorientating to be honest.

He turned pulling her back again. She ended up hitting the wall with her back rather hard and he came right up against her. Clearly he wasn't going to play around. He wanted and she was going to provide it, which was better than dead right?

Though the part that was still concerned for self-preservation, that he just might kill her with this encounter made her fight a bit more. Though it was hard because he was solid and up against her pinning her there. She shoved at him and bit down on his upper arm, she tasted a bit of his blood doing that.

He got a hold of her arms and managed to get her wrists together between them. He held them with one hand and she couldn't really get her head forward to bite him again. She looked at him, she wasn't really going to win against him. She'd probably just end up hurting afterward. Something she could ill afford if others were coming and they weren't as exhausted as she was. Dawn gauged the situation right now with him. He hadn't actually harmed her seriously yet.

She relaxed a bit, her odds against him were horrible and they both knew it. The second that she relaxed it gave him more of a definite hold on her. She had no room to move anymore, she just looked at him. Her blue green eyes said that she was resigned and waiting. More attitude in them than not, and she saw a slight smile touch his mouth.

He let go of her wrists and she kind of just kept them there unsure of what to really do. She didn't think lashing out was conductive to her health. Like she said, she couldn't afford to be hurting or in severe pain when the rest came. It was better to play along with him. His hands dropped to the top of her hips and slid upward along her sides. His hands were strong and sure, she shifted slightly feeling her skin prickle a bit.

She moved her arms slightly more to her sides, her hands stopped on his upper shoulders, his hands still moved over her. Then back down to her hips, though her shirt was bunched higher between them and she could feel his skin against hers. She tried to ignore how intimidating he felt, which was solid and strong, warm. She let out a slow breath and decided to allow him to continue what he was doing without protest.

"I enjoy your reactions." He said to her, which he did. They were different than most, most would have continued to fight him. He'd expected her too, but she gave in after a moment. Relaxed even.

"Just because it's you. I know my odds, I'd like to improve them." she said to him and he made a kind of agreeing sound. His mouth touched hers for a second, it was light but not tentative. She just let him again. Lucian became far more aggressive all of a sudden. His mouth closed over hers and demanded entrance, after a moment she let him have it. There was a kind of metallic tang to his mouth, but oddly had the taste of tea, or she thought so. Dawn knew that she was making a choice here, and decided not to fight it and give him what he wanted.