Giving In Not Giving Up

Dawn pressed against the wall a bit more, pushing at his one arm when he touched her. He was just as aggressive touching her as he was kissing her. Her nails bit into his arm after a minute. He knew exactly how to touch a woman, or maybe it was just her. If she was allowing this she needed to let her body enjoy it. His touch actually felt good, really good, better than it should. Clearly coaxing a response from her. After a second she wasn't sure if she was trying to push his arm away or just gripping it. Hadn't she half decided to give in anyways? Better right, no reason for unneeded pain.

His fingers slid deeper into her and he also rubbed against her most sensitive spot. If he was going to toy with her, arouse her then she wasn't going to fight it. All of this was out of her control, she accepted that. Some might scoff at her, that she gave in so easily to some random man in a horrible situation, but she could easily swallow her pride. Do if it gave her a better chance. He could give that to her, and she was taking the offer. She let the fight go from before completely, even if part of her mind yelled at her.

She felt a rush go through her and she gasped slightly when he dropped his mouth from hers to the side of her throat. His teeth scrapped across the sensitive skin, and her body decided it really wanted and came far more alive. She was concerned that something just might be wrong with her to react like that so fast. Especially with all that was happening around her. Giving in didn't mean you got aroused easily. Apparently Dawn did, she felt a heat in her face at the way her body decided to give a needful rush at the sensation of him toying with her.

"For one who acted as if she didn't want it, you sure are wet." He half growled into her ear and she tipped her head back a bit. If he kept touching her the way he was, then she'd come too. She blamed the circumstances, it made her feel better thinking that at least. Being in a constant state of fight or flight made everything feel so much more intense.

"Are you going to fuck me or not?" She asked breathlessly and point blank. If he was going to do it, she wanted him to just do it. She could feel his arousal against her inner hip. He didn't say anything to her comment, but he grabbed her leg lifting her roughly, her skirt shoved up. He brought her down onto him. She expected him to do it swiftly and almost harshly but that wasn't exactly what he did.

He slid into her in a controlled manner but with a bit of force. She made a slight sound in her throat and moved a bit. She moved as if to pull away or stop him, as if she really could. He made a threatening sound which made her stop the movement. She just didn't expect him to feel so… much.

He was more than she expected and she needed a second that he wasn't clearly going to give her. He was thick and oh so hard, not to mention long. She gasped before moaning her head falling forward and she moved her hands more to his shoulders. She really groaned when he started moving. He felt really damn good, and she didn't really see a reason why she had to beat herself up for it. Why shouldn't she enjoy it? Wasn't like she was going to stop it, and she hadn't even really tried to fight him off. So she didn't really feel too ashamed. Second she didn't want to be in pain when they were finished, it would be worse for her. There were far worse things to happen in here, like death. She'd rather let him have his way with her instead.

His body brushed against hers as he moved. A slow but hard pace at first before he moved a bit faster and with force. Her breathing was far from normal, and she felt herself reaching toward that sweet climax. Dawn felt a relief knowing she could feel this way. She moved her own hips in time with his because she wanted to feel it. That was more important at the moment than anything else, and it was amazing to not be concerned about anything. Just sate a need. No one was here to worry about at the moment. Lucian's grip on her got incredibly tight. His fingertips were going to leave marks in the delicate skin she had.

She fit him so nicely, tight and wet. The very fact he could sink himself all the way into her was blissful. The heat of her body felt amazing and her sounds were just encouraging. Finally he got someone that was satisfying, more than satisfying, she moved with him and didn't fight. A couple times she'd pushed at him, or moved as if to slow or stop him, but he would have none of it. He wanted the control, he didn't get it anywhere else.

When she turned her head to the side with a throaty moan he bit down. Harder than he should but he couldn't really control that. His body was painfully aroused and hard and he couldn't really slam his body into her any harder than he already was. He could feel hers growing tighter, what a blissful feeling. She clearly let herself respond and allowed her body to reach for release. That just made it better for them both.

The second he bit into her and pulled at her throat, she came sharp and sweet. She cried out and her fingertips dug into him, probably drew blood but it didn't bother him. He closed his eyes for a second as she grew painfully tight around him. Her body rippling and a thick sweet rush over him. It just let him drive himself deeper into her. His tongue swept over her throat. He held the back of her thigh with one hand and the other tore into the wall slightly. There was no space between them and he was pressing into her hard.

She had turned her head back looking at him, his mouth was just above hers. She didn't look upset like most or pained. She looked oddly satisfied and a kind of hooded expression that was damn sexy. He slowed his movements for a second and gripped her chin.

"You like what I'm doing." He simply stated it, but she licked her lips for a second. The tip of her tongue darting out. What a strange woman, and he really fucking liked it.

"Yeah." She moaned. Her voice not exactly right, almost a sweet high pitch.

"Let me do it again?" Her mouth opened a bit, and she gave a deeper moan when his movements grew harder again. So close, and it would be the best release that he'd ever had.

"If you want." She said breathlessly and of course he'd want to. If she responded like this each time for him, they'd have to fight him to take her out. He needed this, it felt so good and relieved a tension in him he didn't know he had. How would he ever really find someone that was going to actually want to do this with him? He was a captive too, this was how it worked. Dawn let him unlike any of the others.

He slammed into her a couple more times before his own release. He just held her there against the wall and slid his tongue over the side of her neck again. A bit of blood was running down. He hadn't really paid attention to that detail and missed a bit.

Dawn wasn't sure that she could breathe right. All she could focus on was the feeling of him inside of her. Her body was still having little ripples of pleasure. He clearly seemed pleased, and if that was what helped her then so be it. Besides it wasn't like she got nothing out of it. He felt really damn good, for a recluse that was held in a cell most his life, he was the best partner she'd had. Which made her feel really sad about her life just then. If that was her first thought… oh Dawn you were just a different type of recluse weren't you? That was her next thought.

Her breathing was starting to calm down now, he was making an odd sound. She'd have called it a purr but it wasn't quite that. He leaned back looking at her for a moment, and she realized for the first time that his pupils weren't really round, a bit more cat like. When he continued to study her she started to feel uncomfortable.

"Are you going to just hold me here?" She asked, her skirt was hiked up high around her waist and her shirt was bunched up as well.

"I was thinking about it." He said seriously, however both of them looked toward the storage area when that whooshing sound came to them. Then another, she guessed the last two were being let in, and she knew one had to be Rick. He let go of her pulling from her and she didn't feel all that steady when her feet hit the floor.

"Think they bet on this?" She asked with a slight angry laugh fixing her clothes. She did feel a bit of red stain her face. There was a little bit of shame, but more for the fact others had been watching. You know what, fuck them like they'd be any different than she was in here. Then again to them she was just an object on a monitor to bet on.

"Yes." Well wasn't that gratifying?

"Hope they enjoyed the show." She mumbled pulling her shirt down angrily. He watched her, but he was listening to the other two moving about.

"I'm sure they did." He said glancing where he knew a camera was. "More if it was you they bet I'd have sex with." Jesus what the hell? They bet on everything, it wasn't a joke. He was clearly serious. He didn't seem upset about it though.

"Yeah well I hope they all lost their fucking money." She said climbing over the TV stand and grabbing her crowbar. He looked over at her, she now had a pissed air about her. He didn't see the point. What was done, was done.

Dawn stood up and looked over at him, she blinked and felt confused. She looked over to where the floor was by the wall and then back at him.

"Where'd you get your clothes?" Actually she didn't remember him taking them off.

"I'm not really wearing them, a trick of the mind." He said and she stared at him.


"You heard me talk in your head, this is another thing I can do. They figured it was more like… camouflage. What person will come over to a naked man?" She saw the twitch of a smile and felt one of her own, she guessed that was right. She wondered just what made him up.

"Be happy, you made it to the last round. So did Mitch, most times you are taken care of quickly." He said to her.

"I guess it helps when the control factor wants to use you."

"It helps. A lot." She could hear the other two out there talking and he moved off toward it, disappearing. So she decided that she was going to go and see these last couple people and just where they stood. She thought she had a damn good chance. Especially if Lucian had decided to play favorites with her, she wasn't going to complain. She didn't doubt he'd do it again.