
Dawn moved slowly into the room holding her weapon. She saw another man that looked like a fighter and was built. Rick was there too and moving through the crates carefully. She listened to them trying to decide the best course of action.

"I think that the traps were disarmed." He said and both were looking about the aisle.

"The weapons are gone." The other man said angrily and smashed a fist into the side of the crate. He made a hole, why was it that these fighters all had horrible tempers? Was it a requirement?

"Whatever, I'll just get rid of the rest with my bare hands." He said turning toward Rick who picked up a piece of wood that was burnt on one side.

"Come near me I'll fucking impale you." Rick said backing up slightly.

"What makes you think killing the rest will get you out of here alive?" She asked and they both looked to where she was standing.

"Because they told us, the one last alive will be paid handsomely. Keep your mouth shut, what you have to say doesn't matter. They came in and told us a short while ago." Rick said looking at her, he looked like he'd been crying or something.

"And you believed them?" She said with a half laugh. "Those that kidnapped us and put us in here? Killing the rest of us won't get you anywhere."

"Shut up slut." The other man said, he had a lot of tattoos. "Not all of us can fuck an animal for their life. Disgusting, bet you'd let any animal fuck you for the right price." She felt a bit of a burn in her face.

"That's not true." She said innocently. "I'd never let you fuck me." She gave him sarcastically innocent eyes and a sweet voice.

"Get over here and say that to my face cunt." Now that was something she'd never been called before. "Be a little more fair without you."

"Why hoping he'll fuck you instead? Going to bed over and ask him for it?" She retorted and he moved toward her. Dawn was done trying to talk sense into people. If They wanted to tear her down she'd do the same.

"You're asking for it. Hope you enjoyed your time, cuz it's short lived." She held her ground when he moved closer.

"Oh I most certainly did, every fucking minute of it!" She half shouted at him with a laugh. "You're just pissed you don't have something that's wanted." She wasn't going to be ashamed of her choice, she hadn't murdered anyone. Wasn't going to and they could go fuck themselves if they thought they'd get under her skin. She did what she had to, plus they'd watched and they sure didn't have to assholes.

He was nearly to her now and she lifted up the crowbar that she had. Dawn held it like she meant business and she did. He slowed looking at her and clearly thinking. He gave a humorless smile ready to take another step toward her.

"You don't have it in you to kill."

"Anyone can kill if they have too. I just don't go looking for it." She said to him.

"No you won't." He moved and was clearly going to fight her no matter what he thought. Looked like she was going to find out if she could. She was not going to back down this time.

"I will." She heard the voice behind her, soft like always but no less menacing. The new fighter stopped his forward progress. Lucian had just appeared there stepping up behind her.

"I'm not looking to fight you." He said taking another step back. Dawn became very aware of Lucian behind her. It was weird, like she could feel him standing against her but he was a foot or so back.

"Really?" He asked the man, he'd enjoyed listening to Dawn telling him off. He'd felt humor at it. Clearly she wasn't going to sit around and mope or feel bad about her choice. Second while she was armed she wasn't really a match for the man and if she didn't get a good hit right away. Her odds decreased, he decided that wasn't something he'd allow.

"Respect, I'm more than willing to play. She's still one that's part of it." He said pointing at her.

"As you so eloquently put it, she'll let an animal fuck her. I find that appealing." Lucian eyed the man. He held up his hands taking a couple steps back again.

"Whatever you say." He said and Lucian didn't trust him one bit, he'd just bide his time. After all only one could be left. The only reason Lucian didn't go after him was because Debutant would dish out a punishment for doing too much. Killing too many too fast, besides he'd just keep an eye on her. Right now Lucian wanted the other three dead.

Rick had already disappeared, and the man glanced over there, but since he wasn't to be found he just kept backing up.

"Where are all the weapons?" He asked.

"Don't know." Lucian told him, the fighter moved off leaving the room.

Dawn felt relieved, and right after that her stomach cramped. She felt hungry, her stomach was cramping more she glanced up to the stairs. She made a slight sigh and glanced back at Lucian. He was just watching her.

"You know, I don't really think you're an animal per say. Just a human with odd issues." He stared at her and then a slow smile spread across his face.

"Will that allow you to sleep better?" She actually felt a slight laugh.

"Uh, yeah." She said with a bit of a smile and a head bob. Her stomach made a sound and she turned to go to the stairs. She didn't believe what the others were told. She was sure that some of them might have been let go. Those that didn't care about the lives they took. Money would keep them silent, she wasn't one of those people. She didn't know what she was going to do. Could she handle it if Lucian kept her for the reasons stated? Would they even let that happen? She didn't want to die. However she did need to eat.

"Hungry are you?" He asked and she didn't really look at him just kept moving forward.

"Should be pretty obvious." She replied and he'd moved forward and reached taking hold of her arm and pulled her to a stop.

"This way." He said to her and turned toward the dining room. She moved with him not really having a choice. He let go of her and they went through into the yellowish light of the dining room. Several of the chairs were broken and the table scratched up but not much else.

"What are we doing in here?" She asked, he glanced at her. He'd decided that he liked her. Dawn was different and he enjoyed that. He was more tired of the circles that he lived in then he realized. He liked the ability to talk to someone. He didn't realize how a simple joke or simple humor could make you feel better, showed how deprived he was.

"It's a dining room, what do you do in them?"

"I didn't take you for the type that would sit at a table and eat." He felt a slight smile again.

"I don't. But I still eat normal food as well." She watched him go over to the cabinet that had glasses in it, but some were obviously now missing. He opened the doors and then gripped two of the shelves and pulled. They swung out too and she stepped forward, there was a hollow in the wall and more normal foods.

"They give you brownies?" She said jumping forward and there was a cold draft coming from it. There was also sandwich meat and it felt like a fridge back there.

"Not normally no, it's a reward for those that find it. No one this time has, but I know where every hidden part is. The back of the wall opens and has a lock, they put things in, don't worry it's not poisoned." She reached past him and grabbed some of it.

"How amazing." she said seeing the food. "I don't care what they say, you're alright in my book." Well past the whole I kill people when I'm through with them, but she refrained from saying that. He just had a kind of humor that touched his eyes but nothing else.

"I'm sure that's how you really feel." He grabbed some of the food in there as well and then closed the doors.

"Right now I would have told Satan he was an alright guy if he gave me food."

"Be careful what you say, could come true." She gave a nod and devoured the food that he gave her. God it tasted so good. She never thought something could taste so good, what you took for granted until you didn't have it.

She straightened a bit when he came toward her. She couldn't help the feeling of fight or flight that always seemed to come over her. She did take a couple of steps back and he reached quick grabbing the crowbar and shocking her a bit.

Dawn out of reflex half lunged for it. His other hand came up and got her in the upper chest stopping her. His fingers also twisted in the cotton of the shirt that she wore. She wasn't sure why he did that, she wasn't aiming to take a swing at him. Why was he disarming her?

"Give it back, I don't have a chance with them otherwise." She was a bit panicked at the thought he'd take it away. She was a woman, and the rest were men. She knew she was at a disadvantage physically. She was smaller and not as strong, that was her best line of defense. She wasn't going to go all women power and what not when she knew where she stood.

"People with weapons don't behave as nicely as those without." He held his arm back when she tried to grab for it again. He could see that she was worried, more like panicked at the idea she would be weaponless. She honestly looked like she might cry.

"I don't want to be beaten to death." He hated to break it to her, but in here chances were high of that.

"I'll give it back, when I'm done." He said having turned her and the backs of her upper thighs hit the table there. She looked at it and then at him, she looked a little less panicked then. The fact that she was more upset at the thought of not getting the crowbar back, then him having her was exciting in a way.

"Promise?" She asked her gaze unsure.

"Yes." Her having the weapon didn't affect him at all. Plus he knew right now those in the place had a healthy fear of him this time. Would leave him alone for the most part. So that gave him liberties to do as he pleased. The men could attack each other and fight, he was interested in this woman.

"Okay." Dawn said feeling relieved all of a sudden. She was worried that he'd take it. That he'd been told to or something, because then she'd really have to be good at running and hiding and find a way to get the others before herself.

He reached farther out with his hand that held the weapon and dropped it on the table. It was farther than she could easily reach. It made a loud clang sound on the wood, but she didn't look at it, she just watched him. He lifted her slightly so that she was more sitting on the edge of the table and pushed her legs apart so that he could move and stand between them.

Leaning forward he pushed her shoulders back so that she was down on the table. His mouth came down on hers and she kissed him back immediately. She didn't care nor mind, it was what it was and she was kind of excited suddenly already knowing what he felt like and what he'd do. Dawn felt a bit more bold, a bit more like participating with him. She figured the more she got him to desire her, the better for her.

She moved her hands down his chest and stomach wanting to touch, she pulled her head from his giving a slight clipped cry when he brought his body into hers sharply. Clearly he wasn't going to play games or wait. That was alright she'd enjoy the ride, wasn't like she had a reason not to. This was currently giving her an edge above the others.