Keep Her Alive

Lucian was laying on the floor in the living room. The lights in here were off and so were half the others. A different tactic that they had decided to instill. He was only half sleeping, he'd followed Dawn in here. It was extremely dark and she'd moved in here to sleep in one of the corners.

He hadn't been with her when she came in, but she'd picked a spot and was sleeping with the crowbar held tight, even while she slept. He had sat and watched her thinking, he was contemplating a couple of options that he had.

The other three in the place were definitely fighting hard, and all were nursing wounds at the moment. Even Mitch, though he wouldn't engage unless he had too, and the man could fight rather well. They didn't really come after Dawn, but over the last two days, he'd been near her more then not and they weren't going to chance it. Clearly he had an affinity for her and it wasn't dissipating.

He'd laid down and wasn't human at the moment, his head snapped up when he heard a high pitched whistle, a call. He moved standing up and stretching. He looked at Dawn, and then up. The rest weren't moving at the moment so he didn't see a reason to do anything regarding her, and her safety. Something he'd never contemplated with another before. Then again he'd never wanted others that came in the way he wanted her. They were just a quick fix, she gave him something else he couldn't name and was growing to like. Regardless of the circumstances as to why or how.

Lucian moved through the room and into the storage area. One of the only places that had lights on, that and the jail room. He lopped toward the windows that were there along the one side and then stopped shifting. He walked forward toward where there was a small door in the wall near the floor.

Debutant was standing there and on the floor was the collar. Now normally he'd just have reached down and put it on. No questions asked, but he was suspicious this time and glanced at it and then Debutant.

"Why?" He asked simply. He did it mentally, because while he could hear Debutant, he couldn't the other way around. Even as it was Debutant was extremely muffled to him.

"Are you questioning me? Put it on." Lucian continued to stare at him clearly he wasn't going to until he got his answer. He had reason to be suspicious, he knew that with him playing favorites in regards to Dawn it would mess with his betting. So he could be looking at a punishment.

"I have a request that you need to fulfill. Someone that needs to be taken care of, these last ones are doing nicely and the last of the bets are being met. I have a large amount coming to me to send you out, now put it on."

"I will, if I can have my reward first." He said to him and Debutant was clearly shocked at Lucian and his abnormal behavior and request. He never questioned, nor demanded anything before he was told. He was always a dutiful little soldier and pet. He got whatever he wanted for doing as Debutant told him, and up until now he didn't have a reason to not jump when told right away. However a serious thought crossed his mind, and he wouldn't get what he wanted if he put the collar on first. He was sure of it.

"You'll do what I say, put it on. Then you can have your reward if done right and well. Like always."

"You going to come and put it on me?" He demanded with a rather sharp snarl and Debutant looked unsure for a second. He seemed to think and then spoke.

"What do you want?" He finally said, and clearly it was a large amount. Something that he really needed done. Lucian was sure he'd pay for it later, but they had a system that worked for them both. Don't bite the hand that fed you, or kept money in your pocket.

"You already know I'll do it fast and quick. Do it right and exactly how you need it. When I come back I want the woman to still be here."

"That's interfering with the betting, you'll just have to hope…"

"You put her in the holding cell or the collar doesn't go on." Now this was a definite first and it was clear that Debutant didn't like this side of him. Lucian had to do exactly what he was instructed to do with the collar and he never deviated from it. However he'd also never cared to, and he knew that if the instructions weren't precise and exact he could bend them to what he wanted. Make things very difficult. The question was did Debutant realize that as much as he did?

"Since she has actually made me a good amount by living this long, fine put her in the holding cell. But you fail she will go back in immediately, second she goes in without the weapon."

"Done." Lucian said turning, and Debutant was clearly unprepared for his quick agreement when he was being difficult all of a sudden. Lucian went back into the living room and took the crowbar. Her grip wasn't as tight as before and she moved slightly starting to wake.

He took it and twisted one of the handles on the drawers of the coffee tables. A hollow in the wall opened and he stuck it in there. Then closed it and moved over waking her, she swung out but he leaned back avoiding it.

"What, who…" She started and then realized that her weapon was gone. "Why'd you take it? I said whatever you want, you promised not to take it." Listening to her, he knew he was never going to understand how it really felt to be defenseless, but that didn't really matter at the moment.

"Come with me." He said to her lifting her up to stand and she was looking around the dark room. "You aren't going to find it, I had to take it, you'll see." He said and didn't really give her a choice. He took her by the arm and moved her in front of him.

They went into the bathroom and then up the stairs and then into the bedroom. She heard someone moving and when he let out a rather nasty sound they went a different direction. In the bedroom the red light from the jail let her see a bit better and he stopped her before a ladder.

"Up." He said to her and she looked up at the dark square above her.

"Why, where are we going?"

"You're going up." He said to her, and he would drag her up if she refused to go. She turned back and climbed up the ladder and hoisted herself up and into the darkroom. A dim light came on a second later at her movement and she blinked looking around.

The room was square and had a cot like bed, a sink, mirror, and toilet. There was also a more normal door up here, and the second that he came up and into the room with her the door in the floor closed. She looked at him and she felt kind of scared all of a sudden. This was different and she was unsure of it.

She turned looking at him, and the sound of something metal sliding came to her. She glanced back over her shoulder and saw a silver collar being dropped through an opening and to the floor. It had black etching on it. He gripped her chin and turned her head back to his.

'I'm leaving for a bit.' She figured that they were being listened to. So that was why he spoke to her in her head. It weirded her out a bit, but she just listened. I wanted you to be here when I get back, so they agreed to keep you in here until then.

"Why?" She mouthed to him confused. Didn't he already get what he wanted? He couldn't really be that fascinated with her that much longer. But she shouldn't complain right?

'Because there isn't something else I want right now. Just you, and I doubt you'd last very long if they realized I was gone. You are the weakest even with a weapon.' She knew that he was right, even if she felt kind of offended. It was still the truth.

"Okay." She said out loud.

'Don't leave the room even if they open the door understand me?' She gave a slight nod. 'Good, you don't want to see me pissed off.' No she really didn't, she saw him level headed and thinking. She'd hate to see what happened when he wasn't. Besides no one was coming up here, they knew this was where he was, it was her best chance at safety.

He moved over and reached down picking up the collar and then snapped it around his neck. She had no idea why that would really matter, would they like leash him or something? She stayed where she was when the door opened. There was a man standing there and a couple of others.

"Come, you have a small window to do this." The one that was in the expensive suit said, and she hated him simply for the reason that he was clean and tidy. "You stay there." He said to her and she felt like sneering at him. Instead she flipped him off, she felt Lucian's humor rather than saw it.


"What do you think of this?" Debutant asked the doctor standing next to him. Well more a scientist then doctor. They were standing at the one way mirror that let them see into Lucian's holding cell. The scientist's name was Colin Colbalt and he had been here since Lucian's conception.

"It's curious, his mannerisms and demeanor are very different around her than normal. Her reactions to him have also changed a bit as well. They are both intuitive to others and can read them well." Her back was to them as they watched.

"He's acting suddenly demanding and slightly defiant. I don't like it, the problem needs to be fixed, do you think being rid of her will help?" He asked, because an uncontrollable Lucian wasn't a good thing. Him not putting the collar on right away was definitely defiance and they all knew it. Knew that Debutant relied on him and it wasn't a good situation.

"I doubt it, it might make him worse. Look at the way he's touching her, making sure he has her undivided attention. I've been watching their interactions closely. There's more care there than he's ever shown. The rest were done with, an order or need fulfilled and it didn't matter anymore."

"Meaning? I pay you to analyze him and make sure that he stays in control. You said give him whatever he asks for, that's been working very well. Suddenly this bitch shows up and he starts acting oddly, I want the problem fixed. There isn't a reason for him to act as he is with her. She is a nobody from the street he just met." He said, he wanted to stop this before it could develop into something. They both knew that the slightest change to Lucian could mean problems.

"He's an animal, conventional means won't really work. But she might, now you killing her or being rid of her is going to make him untrusting and distant with you. I doubt he'll work well for you then. He's clearly looking at this woman like others would a partner. It was bound to happen at some point with what he is. He's been deprived of it, I'm sure it's something he subconsciously wants. She isn't fighting him and she's giving into him. All things that happen in succession to being a mate for animals. She gives him the attention he wants, listens when he speaks, talks to him like a normal person where no one else will. Even you. Your just his master." Colbalt said giving him a look.

"Is it better or worse to keep her around?" Colbalt was silent for a second thinking.

"If she were killed or taken out by another, making sure he didn't blame you. It would take a bit, but he'd go back to normal. Remember he isn't going to respond like a normal person to what is taken from him. Especially if he sees it as unfairly taken as it was his reward. However if you kept her, she could be a very good control method too."

"Until he grew tired of her."

"I doubt it with the signs he's showing. The types of DNA we used and purchased, two of them were ones that paired, and a couple others were extremely particular in bonding. We figured it would keep him from straying. Hard to turn his head after a pretty piece of tail. This is fringe science, we had to merge the DNA using a virus. You were warned we wouldn't know which traits would stick. Or pairing. If she has touched a part, then I doubt he'll grow tired in short term, but the longer he's exposed to her. The worse he is going to get."

Debutant's look grew darker. It wasn't like they could go talk to their black market dealer. That wasn't how it worked, they were just providing data through a secure server on Lucian. Doing so paid them handsomely and Debutant had a money making weapon that kept him on top. In his mind it was Colbalt's job to deal with this change in Lucian.

"Not what I want to hear. Watch her, and perhaps we could persuade her to not be so appealing to him. Change her mind set, she has to know he's dangerous and could turn on her." Colbalt gave a shrug as they watched him put the collar on and then he opened the door. Lucian came out of the room and the woman flipped him off but didn't say anything to him.

They moved down the hall and Debutant filled him in on what it was that he was needed to do, where and how. They were outside then and getting into a car. He took in a strong breath of fresh air and enjoyed it. Debutant started the car and drove them toward his private jet at a small airfield close by. Debutant couldn't stay quiet anymore, he need his weapon to obey like always.

"If you wanted a woman, you would just have to say so. Your sudden hostility before won't be tolerated." Lucian hadn't spoken a word other than to nod or confirm what he was being told. He just looked forward and light was starting to stain the sky.

"I didn't want a woman. I want that woman." He spoke simply and didn't say anymore. He didn't feel that he needed too. Wasn't like he liked talking to his owner anyways. They had an understanding, you do what I say, you get what you want and that's life.

"She is still part of the betting, the rules still apply and you know that. I've never made exceptions before."

"You also gave me the choice." He commented.

"If they believe that I have rigged the playing field how do you think that will turn out? They'll be out for blood." Lucian actually looked at him.

"Not when they know I'm there. It's why you threaten them with me. You've already told them I might not play along nicely." Debutant met the grey gaze, and realized that it was a lot more thoughtful looking and alive. Not a dull look, someone just going through the motions. He didn't know if he liked it or not, seem to make him sharper better in a way. Not that he needed to be given a reason to be more deadly than he was.

"Just so you realize that when you go back, she will be in play. That's what she was brought in for, she wasn't an original reward to you. If something happens to her in there, it is not me and like you said, you got the choice."

"I'm not concerned about it, as long as I am there." He parked the car and moved to get out.

"Behave yourself, you are to kill the man before he is finished with his morning run. Make sure it looks like an animal attack."

"How else could it look?" He said almost sarcastically. He was tired of the way that Debutant talked to him and he didn't want to be here right now. He'd much rather be someplace else, doing something else.

"Don't talk anymore, I'm tired of your insolence." Fine by him, he didn't have anything else to say anyways.