
Dawn decided that she was going to sleep and sleep well. She wasn't going to get it later and so she did. For six hours and it felt great. She wished that she could have more but there was a soreness in her arms now and she couldn't sleep with the tingling.

At first she thought that she had slept on them wrong, but she looked at her right hand and it was shaking a bit, the tendons hurt. She was a little scared, what if she was low on some vitamin or something? She looked at the mirror and figured that someone had to be watching her through it or a camera. She just knew.

She turned over on her side and faced the wall. She rubbed her right hand trying to get the pain to go away. Was it just her, or was the dim light in here suddenly a lot brighter? She wasn't sure, her throat itched a bit too. But it was her hand that worried her, she flexed it and winced. Kind of felt like needles were in there.

After a while though the pain started to subside and she was happy about that. She sat up when she heard sudden murmuring and looked around. She glanced at the door that went back into the rooms she knew, but she didn't think that it was coming from there. She glanced at the mirror and then laid back down and faced the wall.

She could tell that there was actual talking out there now, she wished they'd go away. It was better when she could pretend that they weren't watching her all the time. That they didn't see everything she did over however long she'd been here. There was a pain in her fingers again, more than her hand.

Keeping her back to the rest of the room, she looked at her hand. It was shaking a bit more and she frowned at seeing a little blood under her nails. They felt tender too, like they had been pulled up from the nail bed and she suppressed a moan. Shit had she been scratching in her sleep, or had she done that with Lucian? She couldn't remember, she wasn't really thinking when with him.

Her other hand was acting the same way, a bit of pain starting so she just let them be. She was worried that if they thought something wrong with her, they'd off her for not being up to par. She heard someone stop outside of her door and then the shoot was opened and something was slid in.

"No thanks." She said sarcastically.

"It's not tainted with anything." A voice sounded in the room. She was feeling really hungry and sat up staring at the food.

"You know that if you are lying to me, and I eat it. He's not going to be happy about it."

"That is why the food is edible and fine. You need it." That she did and so she moved over and took the food and ate it all. After that she felt really tired and so she laid back down and fell asleep. Her dreams weren't all that nice.

She had dreams of blood filling her mouth and that scared her. She also dreamt of being beaten to death and pain. Not very pleasant things but what else did you really dream about in here? She woke some time later and the lights in her room were off. But the dim light coming up from below was enough for her to see. She rubbed at her mouth, feeling like there was drool or something there.

"Lovely." She said to herself, but she glanced around the room and she was alone. She wasn't going down and he'd told her not to. She'd wait until he got back to do that. She stood up and that voice sounded again.

"You need to leave the room now."

"I'm staying right here. I was told to." She responded to the voice. Though what if she stayed in here and they decided they were going to do something to her?

"You need to leave the room so that we can put him in." She looked down not sure that she should trust the voice. She could hear a lot of movement and a bit of shouts in the hall. She decided that she was going to go down. So she did and the moment that she was out of the entryway it slid closed and she climbed down her feet touching the floor and she backed up to wait

That didn't happen though like she thought it would. She planned to just move back and wait, but the rest that were in this place, clearly weren't waiting for anything. She heard muffled sounds in the dark room to her right which was the plant room, and then through the door she saw someone come flying in backwards.

He hit the edge of the bed and went down. Someone else coming in and attacking him, they fought on the floor right before her and she wasn't sure if she should move or stay put. They hadn't seen her yet intent on the other that was there. From the look of it, it was Rick and the one she'd learned was Juan.

Juan grabbed Rick and back they went to the wall right by her. She ran then jumping onto the bed and over it. Juan punched Rick in the face hard and he made a sound of pain dropping to the floor.

"There you are bitch!" Juan said turning from Rick who was having a time on the floor and clearly not in such good shape. She ran into the jail room and then down the stairs there and he was in hot pursuit of her. However Rick apparently wasn't as bad as he looked because he kicked Juan in the back and down Juan went twisting down the stairs.

There was a sickening sound when he reached the last stair and Dawn just kept going. Juan swore and got up hobbling a bit. He was pretty sure that his ankle was broken because it hurt to even stand but he'd bear with it. This fucker was going to die.

Rick came at him and the two of them went tumbling into the storage area. They were on the ground exchanging punches and both were bleeding from the nose and ears. Juan managed a kick with his good foot that sent Rick back and down. Dawn was moving to get out of the way, but the kick sent Rick back into a crate first and that cut off her escape.

For someone that had a possible broken ankle he could still move, and he grabbed her by the hair yanking her back. She twisted and karate chopped him right in the neck. Her aim dead on and he made a choking sound and let go of her. She crawled over the crate and darted back toward the living room area.

The two of them were at it again, and Dawn just put her hand to her mouth because it looked like Rick wasn't going to win. The hit to the head that Juan gave was brutal and the second that Rick went down he started kicking him in the head and face with his good foot using the wall to stand. He then dropped to the floor and made sure that Rick was dead with his bare hands.

Though Juan wasn't in good shape, he had a chunk of wood sticking out of his side. Something that Rick had managed to stab him with and so he stumbled back and then started to hobble toward the dining room and bathroom area.

Dawn had a sudden angry surge through her and she felt suddenly stronger and she moved grabbing a piece of wood as well and moved forward toward Juan. He was clearly in bad shape, and she felt he should be the next leaving here. She was tired of running around this place, and how easily the rest killed the others.

He wasn't really paying attention and she swung getting him hard in the back of the head. He took a misstep and went forward into the dining room. She gave a cry and hit him again, he moved out of her way and back but his ankle was bad and he fell into the dining cabinet that was there shattering the glass. She stepped to come forward but he picked up a large chunk of glass.

"Wanna play bitch, let's play." He said slowly getting up. She held her piece of wood ready and was already calculating her chances.

"Dawn!" She heard her named called and it was Mitch. He sounded urgent and almost excited.

"Burn in hell." She told him, launching her piece of wood at him and hit him. She was out the door and heard the glass shatter on the frame. She was running toward where Mitch had shouted, and she saw that the door was open to the outer part of their jail. He was holding her crowbar and he'd clearly knocked out those that had come for Rick's body.

"Let's go." He said and slipped through. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but once they were out there where were they going to go? She was nearly too it when something dark and fast leapt past her and hit the door square on. She halted mid run, she also heard a couple shots that were muffled by the room.

However she was standing there her heart beating a mile a minute looking at Lucian. He had a rather feral look and he'd landed gripping the wall and part of the door causing it to shut and so she was stuck inside. She started to back up and he leapt down advancing on her and the sound he made wasn't friendly. It was nasty, his teeth were showing and his ears flatter with narrowed eyes, she felt fear of him right then, more than she'd felt before.