everything that had just taken place in the last couple of seconds had betrayed everything he knew about physics. Such forces should never be able to be wielded by humans in a simple hand gesture. So what was his scientific conclusion for such a phenomenon? Nothing.
He was rattling his brain for everything that could explain what had just occurred. Yet he came out with nothing that could abide by all those rules. Which brought him to the thought that it was be something akin to the 5th fundamental force of nature. It was similar to gravity in that it draws you towards it by putting weight on space-time. But it only draws you when it should be drawing everything. It was closer to electromagnetic forces if anything.
Maybe it was just something he had never been taught and thus never learned about. But he doubted they'd leave out such a magical aspect of science. This meant that either it was knowledge that his previous world had never gotten to the point of learning, or that it was a distinct feature of this world.
'Could this world truly be more advanced?' everything he had experienced thus far indicated otherwise. Everything was old and overgrown, he had seen no screens what so ever, no piece of technology that indicated they were ahead, nothing. Sure he saw some semi-modern building as the base structure where he had been birthed but even those weren't as advanced as earth.
This brought him to the conclusion that it was a force excluded from his previous planet. But why? Why could the people of this world wield such a handy tool but not the population of his home planet?
The more questions he had the fewer answers. He couldn't be sure if he was to be excited about such an anomaly that had yet to be explored or upset he had been excluded from it for 29-years. 'I have a lot of information gathering to do'
While he was stuck on that train of thought, however, the rest of the hub wasn't. Indicating it was commonplace here. 'Does that mean I can wield it?' the only person who was glancing in his direction was his mother, Rhea. Who ignored the anomaly outside instead rushing towards her child.
And as Atreyu continued to glance at the paper bag wearer he noticed that everyone along with the character was looking outside. 'Huh?' what could surprise them more than telekinesis?
As he swerved his head towards the window he caught sight of the rest of the inhabitants of the cafeteria, who seemed to be struck down by fear. 'What's going on?'
In the moments he was turning his head, time seemed to stop. in that time he had come to the theory and eventual conclusion that if everyone here thought of telekinesis as a normal occurrence, which they had all definitely seen... then they can probably do something similar. In other words, he was a regular person in a room of superhumans. And those superhumans had fear in their eyes as they scanned at whatever occurrence was arising outside. He could safely assume his life was in danger.
As his gaze finally landed on the window sill his eyes widened even further, as he found something that would be considered a monster from his previous world. No, a kaiju would fit the description perfectly.
Awaiting his gaze, far beyond his reach was a colossal snake black in color. Its length reaching a minimum of three kilometers. The beast was swerving through the dense forest that captivated the plains grounds, decimating the terrain around it with such a simple gesture. How was such a powerhouse of nature even allowed to exist? There was no doubt he was staring at one of the most powerful Apex predators to ever live. What was this the Jurassic period? No this was worse. Far, far, worse
it suddenly made a halt. Causing the small community that was already tensed up to practically turn to stone. And then proceed to shatter, as the predator rested its gaze directly on them. Nobody dared to move.
Yet it somehow got worse as a brainwashingly intense killing intense infected the air. He couldn't breathe... he couldn't breathe!
He didn't know if he had another life up his sleeve but he definitely wasn't risking it. But what could he do? He hated feeling so powerless. In this infant body, he was nothing more than a useless sack that couldn't change or stop the outcome of such a calamity.
Even the one holding him, the one who was cooing at him just a few moments ago went silent at the sight of the horrific creature.
Its obsidian scales negated almost all light. the only part aside from its dark-colored palette was its pale golden eyes that seemed as if they could see through him. Something he sincerely wished would happen. It also had a giant black horn atop its head, something he had no doubt could impale entire mountains.
'Where the hell did that thing come from?' suddenly he heard and felt something similar to an earthquake which didn't seem to surprise people, but then the snake appeared? And everyone was in a source of silence... what?'
A couple of seconds passed and he still couldn't breathe, 'It's okay, calm down! Your okay!' he told himself. Trying to abide the panic. 'It'll go away' but it didn't.
Five, ten, fifteen, seconds passed. And his tiny lungs where already next to worn out. He could feel his heart slowing down, it was a terrible feeling. One that derived from his weakness, his weakness, his weakness!
'Damnit!' he didn't move, closing his eyes and letting his body go limp. He needed to preserve as much energy as he possibly could. It seemed that'd be the only way he would have so much as a chance of survival.
'It's been four months! I can't die now! Fuck!'
He attempted to hang onto the belief that if he died he'd just be reincarnated once more. God, he hoped that was true. 'God please, please'
Sure he had confronted death once but that didn't make it any easier, especially since he hadn't confirmed if he'd reincarnate once more. Death was something he feared dearly. He tried to hide that aspect of himself, but it was still there. And in the face of death, he was helpless. He was scared. And that showed.
He could feel his limit approaching, the final limits of his life force dying. And along with it, him. If he hadn't gone limp he'd be dead by now.
He had seen people die, whether it was by weapons or by old age. Yet all if them had accepted the fact that they were going to die there. And they did. They didn't panic, plead to God, nothing. Not like he was at the current moment. How?
Was it some internal voice in their heads that was telling them everything would be okay? His mind was rushing, screaming at a pace he had never imagined was possible. Why could they settle with such things but he couldn't? Was it the difference in mindset between them? What was it?!
He didn't know. He couldn't know. his mind had still yet not given up on the thought of living. Pleading that if he did die, he would find a place, some time, somewhere, that he could live on.
He couldn't accept this! No! No! No! Why him? Why was he so god damn weak! He felt like the final and last strings connecting his body and soul had ripped. His entire mind was computing at such a fast pace, he would've hated it if he weren't at death's door. Thoughts, something he always hated had never felt so valuable.
Yet as that door opened further and further he didn't see another light, another world he could hop into. He found nothing, this was his last and final chance, and he blew it.
'I'm scared'
And with that final thought, he died.