
"Shut the hell up Rukami," Yuyu said to the paper bag man.

"Wooow there's children here Yuyu!"

'Rukami? So that's his name? About time' noted.

Rukami attempted to fidget with his fingers as he looked up and away. Forgetting about Atreyu, not daring to glance at either of the women. a whistle rang from behind his mask. They awkwardly walked down an equally pristine hallway before, after what seemed like an eternity, landing in a small office with some chairs and a glass tube inside.

"Sit down already" the woman spoke before snapping as a computer and keyboard quickly appeared from a hidden slot in the wall. With a block of marble sliding out from the floor and presenting itself as a seat.

'What's the budget for this place'

She quickly started typing at an accelerated pace. However, that passed him as nothing more than a little talent. 'This place has to be more technologically advanced compared to my last planet' This seemed to be another common occurrence, judging by the adult's facial expressions at least.

Such a thing wasn't exactly normal on earth. At least to what he was aware of.

"Alright, what would you like to start with? The shots, aurora testing, or his body's shape?"

"Shots please" Arete's voice rang. Her soft vocals responding to the question.

"Alright, also, Rukami why are you here? Last time I checked you were not their family, and I doubt you could be considered a friend either"

"It's not every day I get to see someone's aurora get tested! Also, ya know me I'm a master of aurora! I could probably be of help"

"That's not going to change anything, never mind, as long as she's okay with it I have no right to complain" Yuyu pointed at Arete. To which a sigh shortly responded.

"Just stay quiet in the corner"

"...Alright..." Rukami began to shift his position to the closest corner of the room.

"And give Atreyu back!"

After Rukami bluntly handed me back, he scrambled to the corner where he stared back at us.

"Alright" Yuyu snapped and another block from the wall shifted, applying her with some, of what he assumed to be alcohol, syringes, and cotton swabs.

"Rip in rest" Rukami practically whispered. Hands out preaching, I glared.

And so, every man's favorite activity began. mas- shots. Yes, shots. '12-years to go' and so, they put some alcohol and a cotton swab to his bottom shoulder, making sure he felt the needle digging under his skin and skewering his comfort.

Yuyu repeated the process two more times after which. And not once did it ever get more comfortable. One for Gyo, Gyu, and Gyi, the three most common diseases in the rhy, apparently. And would sometimes come in a package deal, blowing a deadly hit to one's health.

"Alright! Well done kid! He didn't make a single movement!" Yuyu praised him.

'Your welcome'

"Has he always been like this?"

"Yes, I'm not sure why though"

The two women got along well, unlike Rukami. Who was still sulking in the corner? They went on a little streak of chit-chat before returning to the original subject at hand.

'Good to see their getting along'


"Alright! Body shape or aurora testing? I have other patients so we must make it quick"

"Umm... Let's go with aurora testing" Arete said in a nervous tone.


"Alright, well I wish him the best"

'Sounds like a lot weighs on this'

Yuyu gently walked over and asked to hold me, after which the woman carefully put Atreyu in the tube he had mentioned earlier, just this time in a miniature seat.

"Alright it will be around a five minute scanning process, in which we will have lock him inside, are you okay with that?"

A deep sigh surrounded the room. "I already signed the contract, didn't I?"

"Yes, however that doesn't mean you must go through with it"

"Who cares! Do it!" Rukami practically screamed. But was ignored.

"Alright, well then, shall we start?" Yuyu started to go into a rambling on the system as she strapped me down, and into the chair of the tube.

"It's painless, and if you wish we can stop at any point. The machine will pick up on his aurora levels, rarity of circuits, and the number of circuits, well, generally at least"

Arete nodded.

"The data will be recorded and printed. We will probably see the results around five minutes after the conclusion of the test"

"Alright, seems accurate to the information on the contract, anything else?"

"Nope, that's just about it"

The tube started to make a high-pitched buzzing sound as the glass tube gave off a blue glow, 'I feel so badass right now' sure, he may be a baby strapped down in a tube, but it still felt cool.

The woman gave him nervous glances, obviously worried of his results. 'Do the answers really matter that much?' it was as if his entire fate was being settled by the anxiety-inducing answers.

Rukami gave him a look of excitement, well, from what he could assume at least, not worried in the slightest. Atreyu could even see the imaginative popcorn in the man's hand. 'This guy'

The process was only a fourth done and the room was panicking, Arete was fidgeting, and Yuyu was pacing.

'Hm...' Atreyu knew that someone's aurora levels were crucial to their strength, but by judging by their expressions he could deduct that the stronger one was, the higher they were valued in society. 'A world where your fighting prowess is everything'

He had already assumed such a theory, after all, bloodlines were highly valued apon after all! But he wasn't sure he was comfortable with such. 'Does this mean violence is occupant, of course, does this mean killing another is occupant? Probably' he had seen people fighting, with no interference at that, he truly wouldn't be surprised.

By now the process was closing to an end. And he could sense the tension at an all-time high, 'and we have five more minutes of this?'

Eventually, the process came to a halt, whether that was a good or bad thing he wasn't sure. He just knew it was important.

And just like that, another five minutes passed.

"Results are in. You can do the honors" Yuyu spoke to Arete, with her cursor residing on a button on her computer. "Print" with well, a printer next to her.

Arete took a deep breathe, and held her breathe, just like everyone else in the make shift room. And then she clicked.

The button instantaneously switched to a white screen with a variant of messages.

"Aurora pool: 800,000-900,000"

'I wonder how that ranks'

"Aurora circuits: 600,000-800,000"

'Now that's incredible'

"Aurora rarity: 99.9%"

'I can't tell if that is good, or bad'


A heavy breath way out, which he hoped to be of relief.

"Ha! This kid could maybe make it to the 3rd sequence! 2nd if he's lucky!" Rukami laughed.

"Your overstepping it, and thats not necessarily a good thing" Yuyu responded. Now in a more curious gesture than her previous anxiety.

'I guess even for someone who doesn't know me, they are worried' it truly was an important event.

"I don't know Yuyu! By pure genetics alone he has the potential of a low A-ranker in the higher sequences! Anything below that he could get a low S-rank! If he works hard enough at the lower sequences he could get to the higher end"

"True, he truly was born gifted, sadly not one of the high Warlords great, but he could pull a spot as a 4th-sequence symbol or maybe a 5th-sequence Warlord in a few thousand years"

They went back and forth. "Uhm, so does that mean the results are good or..."

"Ha! Hell yeah they're good! Their once a few generations throughout all the sequences, good! Your kid has a massive future in the ascender industry! He has the potential to rule this entire world"

'Ascender? Noted'

"Oh... Wow..." She obviously wasn't fond of the idea of him being someone who could enslave the world's population.

'So I have the potential to rule this entire world but not be a 4th-sequence Warlord? What?' how the hell did that make any sense.

"Don't make it sound so grand Rukami, there's much more than that and you know it"

Rukami shrugged, "you got to learn to let people celebrate"

"Unlike you, we actually have decency" Yuyu scolded in a sarcastic tone as the gave an eye roll.

"Eh, you do you, but decency can only get you so far in the arena"

'The Arena? The sequences? Warlords? Symbols? What? I'm confused' the longer he was here the more confused he was, and the more questions he had.

By now they had taken him out of the tube and had even tested his body.

"Mhm, well he does have 8 lavender circuits, which in itself is incredible, and an aura pool that's high and still developing, as well as an abnormally large circuit number. At this point, it depends on his imagination"

"Oh? That monster of a pool is still rising? Do you know when it's projected to end?"

"Your one to talk, and no I don't. He's even got a high than average muscle density, if barely though"

"That so? Ha! Well, that wasn't expected considering his bloodline!"

'Sounds like I have a lot of expectations to live up to'