
"Aww look at you! You're so cute! I can't believe you are already 10 months old!" It was paper head. And Atreyu still hadn't gotten the figure's name.

It was the first time he had seen his savior since we'll... He saved him. Atreyu hadn't any idea where he could be, he was in the middle of ruins, actually, why was anyone here in the first place? Was it like an apocalyptic zone where you'd trade their bodies in for cash? He wouldn't neglect the idea after seeing the type of calamity world he had been born into. No, he certainly saw people exchanging items but not corpses, more like antiques.

'What value do such things have though?' if it was a job worth risking your own life for, which he considered very possible after witnessing the multiple beasts roaming outside, then it must pay quite well. This would mean those antiques were most likely priced highly and had an important use.


And considering how he had seen children performing under such circumstances Atreyu could approach the assumption that child labor was quite frequent here. 'Is this my future?' he glanced at paper heads back. Two shining, black katanas. Obviously, violence was a common occurrence in this world, how could it not? Beasts the size of towers and magic existed. That's not something you can easily regulate. 'How does a government deal with such an apophony?'

He had learned that he was born in an area called "The Rhy" which was where all his assumptions had risen from. The rhy seemed to be an area where you were allowed to be violent not only with beasts but with each other. It was truly an interesting concept. A place with no laws regulating you, only limited by your own strength. But why did such a place even exist? He wasn't aware of such a zones purpose and why people would even be there in the first place.

'Are they something akin to hired mercenaries sent to clear the area of beasts? But why can they kill one another' he had witnessed two, for what he will temporarily call "mercenaries" fighting each other. He wasn't aware of why but it was in clean view of others who didn't attempt to stop, call for help, or anything of the sort to stop the outbreak. 'Maybe sent to kill others from other organizations? No, at this point I'm just guessing' he had too many questions and too few answers.

From what he had gathered the Rhy was an area where no laws existed. In fact, you were encouraged to interact violently. And anyone who was raised in the area was meant to become a mercenary. Although he couldn't be sure of that last one.

Back to paper head, however, 'why does he keep coming back to me?' yeah sure he saved him but that didn't mean it was required for the figure to keep returning to Atreyu. It seemed there were more pressing matters to attend to. 'Probably a connection with my mom'

"You know what that means don't you! We have to get your genetics tested!"

'Do they expect me to understand them?' he was tired of calling them a "they" Atreyu would just refer to them as him until he got actual confirmation. It just felt more natural. but aside from that, genetics tested? Was he referring to my aurora levels and such? Atreyu had been learning to control his circuits, which according to that book he had read, "when a human pushes their own limits their reserves will grow, but only up until a general age of five"

And considering that was all he had been doing these past couple of months, along with his lineage, he could assume his pool was fairly larger than that of average. He wasn't aware how much larger, but surely a good amount.

'I wouldn't mind being a once in a thousand years occurrence' fate was always welcome to play on his side.

Paper head was currently holding him up and out, arms full length as they gripped Atreyu's waist.

"Let's hope you'll do good! Awwww!" his mom was besides him watching intently.

The man pulled him back into his arms as he handed him over to his mother who gave a loving smile, who promptly followed paper head.

The hub Atreyu had been born in was more of a compilation of multiple buildings connected by hallways rather than one base. To get to your desired location you had to get to that designated area. He wasn't aware of how many buildings there were but it was safe to say a good amount. More than you could simply count in a few seconds.

So his assumption was that was going from his bedroom to a testing area. Maybe a medical zone.

They arrived in a cleaner, and pristine area. More futuristic than anything as a shining white marble covered the walls, ceilings, and floors. You could see your own reflection. The first variant of a mirror he had the chance of glancing upon.

Shining, golden eyes with the slightest tint of pink, that seemed to suck up all the light around them and use it as fuel. A pale, yet incredibly smooth face with small lips, nose, and big eyes. Atreyus's gaze fell on his hair as he gave a trance to the dark brown hair he had been gifted with. 'Does my dad have dark hair?' probably.

'I'm cute as hell'

He found himself in a pristine white room filled with chairs, a white rug, and a bookshelf. The only thing in the room that wasn't snow white. 'Must be the waiting room'

"I brought some markers for you to draw with" the woman spoke to him. No matter how hard he tried Atreyu could bring himself to truly think of her as his mother. Sure he could name her such but it never felt right.

She brought out a couple of thin markers and even crayons. "Dyklo" the brand read. Along with a clear notebook.

She flipped it to the first place and handed the property to him along with a red, blue, and black marker. 'Thanks, but I suck at art' he still appreciated the notion though and gave her a big smile.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, 'hm?' Atreyu's big golden eyes landed on paper head.

"Ps! Can I have a sheet?'



Atreyu promptly ripped off a piece of paper and handed the giddy character a marker.

"Are you kidding me?" his mom spoke once more, now turned to the man with a piece of paper in his hand. To which he shrugged.

"I was raised to ask for something when I needed it," he said shortly. Which was responded with a glare from Atreyu's mom.

"You don't ask a ten-month-old for something they were just gifted!" she was right. Atreyu couldn't help but let out a small chuckle in his mind.

"Aww c'mon! You gotta learn to live a little... What's your name?"


"Listen Arete, you gotta learn to live a little ya know? Go with the flow! Ying Yang ya feel me?" he wiggled out his arms as he set the drawing materials on his lap. Which was responded with yet another, glare.

'Ying yang isn't even close to that ideology...'

They continued to argue as he chose to ignore their antics. He couldn't decide whether paper head would be an awesome, or terrible parent figure. As their conversation quickly went elsewhere.

"It's the year 34,809 why are you wearing a paper bag!"

"Cuz it's mysterious and cool duh"

"Don't duh me young man! You should be more mature than this!"

"Arete, Arete, my friend! maturity is just a social standard! And we live in the remains of a society! So what point is there to be mature eh?"


"Excuse m-" a woman with a dark ponytail and eyes spoke. Or tried to at least. She had thin glasses and was strangely slender.

"No, It's common courtesy! A natural change in behavior!"

"Mhm-mhm! you do you!"

"Hello? I need your attention-"

"We live in a society! This hub is a society can't you see!"

"Yeah but it's one where violence is encouraged isn't that right Atreyu!" paper bag turned to him. 'What the fuck man' the ideology did make half sense though.

"EXCUSE ME BUT CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the doctor snapped, tired of being ignored.

"Huh?" paper bag turned.

"Oh hey Yuyu! How are you! Long time no see!" Now he had two glares faced at him.


"Hey, I think we should go get that examination now! Yeah? Cool!" he picked me up and walked over to the woman, who was fitted in a white lab coat and thin glasses.

"Why are you carrying him! Give him to me!" Atreyu's mom practically screamed.

"Sh-sh-sh!" paper head raised a gloved finger and put it to her lips. "Chill young blood, we wouldn't want to interrupt yuyu now would we?"

'This is going to be a long day'