Chapter 10: Misery Loves Company

“Eleanor, breathe. Look at me,” Brad crouched next to her with his palms on her face.

Nori took great gasps of air, and treacherous tears leaked from her face. Her face tingled as her chest heaved. Her nose ran and she didn't dare look into Brad’s eyes.

"I'm f-f-fine..."

“You’re having a panic attack,” he said, “Breathe deeply and slowly.”

His hands were warm on her face and the heat seeped into her skin. Her body relaxed with each breath and soon she was able to exert some control on herself. She feebly pushed at Brad’s hands.

He kept them firmly on her cheeks. She pushed him away.

“Don’t touch me,” she said and averted her gaze. Her face was burning with shame. How could she be so weak? Especially in front of BRAD?

She tottered to her feet and ignored him as she walked toward the building. She glanced around but the parking lot was empty. The front of the apartment had yellow caution tape wrapped around every exit. She steeled herself and ducked underneath it.