Chapter 12: The Phone Call

Brad dove for his phone on the island and hit the answer button. Trent's voice came over the line.

“Brad! Glad I got a hold of you! How’d it go last night?”

Brad grimaced and tried to make his voice sound like he wasn’t being strangled.


“Great! Excellent! I knew I could count on you dude. Hey so I wanted to run a thing by you. Some turds hit the fan and I need you to watch Porsche until I get back.”

“Wait, what?” Brad glanced at Nori on the couch, but she was still out. He made a beeline for his bedroom and shut the door.

“You’re the only bro I trust to take on this monumental challenge. Please say yes.”

“But you said–”

“Forget what I said. I’m going to be stuck in Tokyo for a little while. I need you to keep tabs on wifey for me until I get back.”

“Are you okay? What’s going on? Is the deal in trouble?”

“Nothing to worry about,” said Trent, “I’m still schmoozing. This stuff takes time.”

“How much time? When will you be back? What’s going on?”