Chapter 14: What's What


Nori gestured to herself, “Bradford, come on. Do I look like I’m dressed for an appointment with a tech giant?”

Brad stopped and scanned her. His gaze lingered on her legs and he coughed. Heat rushed up her spine and she quickly stood up.

“The answer is no, Brad.”

“Fine,” he growled, “We'll find a store on the way.”

Half an hour later, they left the apartment. The day was cold and Brad made Nori change into a pair of his sweatpants.

Brad had changed into a charcoal suit with and a black button down. He added a blood-red tie and clasped a gold Rolex on his left wrist.

They stopped at a boutique on Fifth Avenue and despite Nori’s protests, Brad bought her a black pantsuit and red blouse that cost approximately the same as a down payment on a house.

When Nori made this clear to him, his response was annoyance.