Chapter 15: Inspiration Point

“When will he be back?” asked Brad, his dark eyes pinning Natalie.

Natalie shifted in her seat and shrank under Brad's gaze, “Not for a while sir, he cashed in his vacation days. He’ll be gone for the next two weeks.”

Nori felt a cold panic rise up in her stomach. She wanted to run for it.

Brad stood stock still, “I need some very important papers from him. Would you mind if I ran back there and picked them up?”

“Um, I’m not sure if I—“

Too late. Brad had grabbed Nori’s arm and they sprinted for the offices.

“Wait! Mr. Holmes! You can’t—“

Brad half dragged Nori through cubicles and into a stairwell. He looked at the fire map on the wall.

“At least they labeled everything. The IT department is on the second floor.”

Nori hurried to keep up with him. She marveled at how calm and efficient he was. While she was losing her sh*t back there, he was out here taking charge.