Chapter 16: Sandalwood and Pine

“Where’d they go Jim?”

Another voice, probably Jim's, said, “I don’t know, I thought I saw them come down here.”

Nori and Brad were trapped in a utility closet. The small space was cramped and there were shelves on two walls stacked with cleaning supplies. Nori fumbled in the dark. Her hands found an arm and traveled up Brad’s bicep. He grabbed her hands and pulled her to him, holding them still.

Brad was really close. Close enough that she could smell his sweet pine cologne. The heady scent made her mouth water and she swallowed.

She heard the voices arguing back and forth. Shadows moved over the small window in the door. Blood rushed in Nori’s ears and she put a hand over her mouth to quiet her breathing. The voices stopped and the shadows left for a moment. There was a prolonged silence. Nori jumped when she heard them right outside the door.

“They couldna’ gone far—”

“Almost had ‘em—”

“Check the closet, Jim.”