Chapter 18: Chocolate Promises

Nori shivered in front of a small hotel. They’d gotten off the subway in Queens. Nori’s whole body felt like it was freezing over and she sympathized with the commuters that had given them a wide berth in the train car.

Brad’s nose had stopped bleeding and it was now starting to turn red. They got a room at the front desk and the clerk thankfully didn’t ask any questions. This made Nori wonder if their situation was not that uncommon.

They climbed the stairs because the elevator was out of order and when they got to the fifth floor, Nori’s exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her. The room held two queen-sized beds and the brown paisley furnishing made her think of Mrs. Watson’s flat.

Nori hoped Miyagi was doing alright and not giving Mrs. Watson any trouble. Brad appeared out of the bathroom and shrugged off his blazer.

“Take off your clothes.”

Nori froze like a deer in headlights, “Uh-uh. Not if you were the last guy on earth.”