Chapter 23: It Gets Worse

It was dark by the time Nori finished scanning all of Benny’s ledgers. She found a few minor mistakes and pointed out that one of Benny’s employees was taking money from the till.

Brad ended up convincing Benny that he was ‘real’ and Benny let him go in the back with Nori. Benny was satisfied with her work and gave them three hundred dollars for the watch.

“But this watch is worth almost thirty grand!” shouted Brad.

“Take it or leave it pal.”


“Brad, let's go, we've wasted enough time here,” said Nori.

She took the proffered money and pulled Brad out of the pawn shop. His skin was still hot and Nori worried that there might be something wrong with him.

“That rat!” Brad said when they got out into the street, “He totally scammed us.”

“I know, but we’ve got what we came for. Plus isn’t 30 grand like pennies to you?”

Brad scowled and muttered something about principles.

Nori hailed a cab and one pulled up in front of them. She opened the door to the car.