Chapter 24: Meet The Chens

The taxi driver pulled up to the townhouse on a well-lit street.

Brad felt the blood rush out of his head and pool in his feet. His hands were shaking in his lap.

Nori handed the cabbie the rest of their money and stepped out into the cold air.

The street was empty and Brad could hear a dog barking somewhere in the distance. He thought this looked like a respectable neighborhood and most folks were probably in bed already.

Nori looked up at him and Brad gazed at her with trepidation.

“Just remember what I told you in the cab,” she said, “My parents' names are Cho and Senya. You’re my new boyfriend and you work at the bank with me. We went out and then you got mugged. They took our clothes. Got it?”

“Your mother’s bullsh*t meter will totally see through us.”

“Well then don’t f*ck it up.”

“Not that simple Eleanor. I’m telling you, this is not going to work.”

Nori climbed the steps and rang the doorbell.

The house was silent.