Chapter 32: Haloed Confessions

On the street, Nori tried to pull out of Brad’s grasp, but his grip was like iron and she let him pull her for a couple blocks in silence.

When they passed the fifth block, Nori dug in her heels and wrenched herself free from Brad. He stopped and turned to her.

“What on earth is wrong with you?!” she screamed, “What the heck was that?”

Brad was silent. There was a strange light in his eyes. Rain poured down on them.

“Well? What were you thinking? Husband? HUSBAND? Bradford, what was all that?”

“I blacked out for most of it so you’ll have to be specific.”

“You are NOT getting out of this. You knew exactly what you were doing in there. What happens when Mindy tells him that I’m not married? What if he asks her about sweet-little Porsche and baby Trent?”

Nori fumed and shook with rage, “He works with the police! He probably thinks I'm being kidnapped by you. Oh jeez what if he tells Mindy and she tells my mother?”