Chapter 31: The Red Dragon Palace

“Brad, you’re still sick. It’s raining. Not a good combo.”

“What’s your relationship to this guy?”

Brad was not budging.

That guilt was back, but it made Nori feel indignant.

“Look, you and I have a business deal. Saturday night was just…” Nori waved her hand nonchalantly and faltered.

What had that night been? Had it affected only her? Or maybe him as well?

“I get it.” Brad ground his jaw and didn’t meet her gaze.

Nori came up close to him. It took him by surprise like she’d hoped.

“Brad,” she said quietly, “Ryan is doing a background check on Bradley Morris. I’m meeting him for dinner at the Red Dragon Palace as a favor and a free meal. It’s only a business deal, plus I know he’d never hurt me.”


“Well we were once… 'involved' and—”

“He still has the hots for you,” said Brad smirking.