Chapter 30: A Man with Two Names

“Nori Chen. I was expecting to hear from you sooner.”

There was a clicking sound and Nori knew Ryan was clicking his pen. She could just picture his lean frame in khakis and a 5k t-shirt, with one of his patched-elbow blazers. His straight, sandy hair combed back and his eyebrows together in that pensive, dissecting gaze that he reserved for anything that caught his attention.

He reminded her a little of a young Clint Eastwood, but less squinty and minus the cigarillos.

“How is your sister, Mindy? The doctor told me you and Isabella picked her up not too long ago. I assume she told you…” Nori trailed off, embarrassment making her voice catch.

“No, actually I heard about the bonfire in the flat from the police.”

That smoky voice was like long forgotten music to her ears. How long had it been? At least 8 years, Nori thought.

Ryan continued, “But all I can say is… thank you.”

“What? No rants on safety? No blame-slinging?”