Chapter 29: Ballad of Lovers Past

“Arrrgh! Why can’t I find you!”

Nori put her head in her hands and groaned.

She typed in BRADLEY MORRIS into the search bar one last time and scrolled to the fifth page. Sure there were tons of Bradley Morris's out there, but none of them were HER Bradley.

Nori fought down the urge to rip the monitor off the desk and hurl it at the wall.

“Is everything okay?” Senya peaked her head around the door.

“No, the internet is against me!” howled Nori and slumped back in the office chair. She buried her face in her palms and moaned.

“How about some Momos?”

“Is that what smells so good?”

Senya placed a plate with two small bowls of garlic and red chili sauce neatly ringed by pinched white dumplings.

“Pork or beef?” asked Nori, eyeing the plate suspiciously.

“Veggie and herb.”

“Dangnabbit Mamma, I assure you that the weight I gained in college is not coming back.”

“Yeah but we can never be too sure—”
