Chapter 28: Sarah

Brad tried to get up, but Nori came to his side, gently pushing him back down. She sat next to him on the bed.

“Sarah, I’m sorry,” Brad croaked.

Nori froze.

Sarah? She wasn't Sarah. Was he hallucinating? Or maybe he was delirious?

“Brad, it’s me,” she whispered, “Nor—”

“Sarah, you're here.”

Tears were rolling down Brad’s face and the moonlight made the whites of his eyes stand out.

“I'm so sorry,” he said, “It was my fault. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t—”

"Brad, you're—"

“You tried to call me. But my phone was turned off.”

Nori was silent. Brad’s head sagged on his chest.

“Please forgive me, I wasn’t fast enough. I couldn’t do it.”

“Do what?” breathed Nori.

“I couldn't save you, I’m so sorry. I was too late.”

Nori waited, not daring to breathe. She felt tears prick her eyes, but she kept silent.

Brad’s chest heaved and he sobbed, “You saved me so many times. When it was my turn to save you, I failed.”