Chapter 34: Don't Say A Word

In the morning Brad strolled into Nori’s room.

She was sitting cross-legged on her bed going through the papers for like the millionth time.

Brad gently pulled them out of her fingers and said, “So apparently they’re going to Denver.”


“The cab driver said they were going to catch the red-eye to Denver International.”

“Why would they go to Denver?”

Brad pondered the question and was about to say something along the lines of ‘why does anyone go to Denver’ when Nori interrupted him.

“Inspiration point!” shrieked Nori.

“I don’t follow…”

“They’re going to Yellowstone! This is a long shot but, hypothetically, if Porsche and Bradley met that night and fell in love or something, and Bradley is just a normal dude thought he'd have to wow Porsche seeing her expensive tastes.”

“That has yet to be proven,” said Brad peevishly.