Chapter 38: The Game

“I don’t understand why people like nature,” grumbled Brad as he stepped in a pile of what he hoped was mud.

“I dunno,” said Nori, sprinting ahead of him, “I feel more refreshed every minute!”

Brad trudged up the trail, “This is the last time I listen to you. Go after them, she says, it’ll be productive AND fun, she says.”

A bug whizzed around his face and he swatted at the invisible thing like a hoard of bees were coming after him. Nori was trotting before him like a school girl out for a jaunt. Her silky-black hair was in a ponytail and shined in the noon-day sun.

“All this fresh air!” she bubbled, “It’s so sweet! I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get out of the city! I'm so moving here.”

Brad grit his teeth and felt a vein pulse in his temple. Her enthusiasm was beginning to infuriate him.

The sun beat down on Brad and he wished he was in his air-conditioned home gym. He loved exercise, yes, but not the outdoors. At least not today.