Chapter 43: Iron For Breakfast

Brad opened his eyes. His brain was foggy and a headache throbbed behind his temple. Where was he? He lifted his head and looked around.

Pine walls and dark green-shag carpet. He mentally checked them off. But something felt different.

His clothes were on. He wiggled his feet, but he didn’t feel any shoes on.

Then someone else shifted next to him and he stiffened. Alarm bells rang in his mind. He looked over at the sleeping figure. It was Nori.

Her back was to him and her breathing was even. She also had all her clothes on, but her t-shirt had ridden up her waist slightly.

The clock on the nightstand read 6:37 AM.

Brad rubbed his face trying to remember what happened last night.

His mind went over the party, to the pier on the lake, then dancing until the wee hours.

He sighed and the delicious electricity of that moment swept through him again.

He touched his lips and flashes of Nori’s soft mouth pulsed through his mind.