Chapter 44: Funny Girl

Brad’s throat went dry and he felt like he was trying to swallow sand.

“Not entirely sure,” he mumbled, “I’ll meet you for breakfast and we can decide where to go from here.”

Nori nodded and took in his sweatiness.

“Did you find another fountain?”

“Just a workout,” he murmured, and she went back into her room.

Brad showered and got ready. He made his way to the dining hall. Nori was already double-fisting two cups of coffee.

“Rough night?” asked Brad, taking a bite of a bagel and sitting down in front of her with his own plate of food.

“Please just bury me somewhere,” she said massaging her temples, “I need aspirin, ibuprofen, morphine, a brick…I’ll take anything at this point.”

“Hangovers are rough, huh?” Brad took a bite of scrambled eggs, “The consequences of your actions will have to wait. We have pressing business, remember? We’ve lost them. What now?”