Chapter 45: The City of Lights

“Paris! Paris! PARIS!” squealed Nori.

Brad covered his ears, “Geez woman, break my eardrums while you’re at it.”

“Sorry! I just can’t believe that I’m–we’re actually going to Paris!”

Brad hadn’t told Nori where Ryan had found Porsche’s phone until they were at the Denver International airport again. He knew he’d never hear the end of it if he told her sooner and his suspicions had just been proved true.

The car ride back to the airport had been tense and quiet. It had suited Brad just fine and Nori even let him play his classical music. But he found that it was hard to focus on anything but her. His desire to figure her out was starting to consume his thoughts and he was becoming increasingly agitated.

Her quietness discomfited him even more. He wasn’t used to it and he found himself trying to make jokes, only to have them fall flat. He’d grown comfortable around her buoyant attitude and this more serious and somber Nori made him itchy and cranky.