Chapter 48: A New Pair of Shoes

Gautier watched him evenly and then turned to the others.

He spat, “Diesel, get the wallet.”

A giant, muscle-bound baby came into view. Diesel was completely bald and his face was as smooth as a baby’s bottom. The black leather biker gear he wore creaked as he moved and his racoon-lined eyes blinked in the light. He reminded Brad of a goth Hulk.

“Sorry bro,” he muttered and wrenched Brad forward, digging in his back pocket. He pulled out Brad’s wallet and tossed it to Gautier, who flipped through it. He pulled out Brad’s ID, looked at Brad and then back at the ID. He stuck it into the wallet.

“Imbeciles!” Gautier raged. Diesel shrank back into the shadows as Gautier marched out of Brad’s view. Sounds of a scuffle and painful grunts came from just beyond Brad's line of vision.

“That’s enough,” cut in a smooth female voice.

The sounds stopped and Gautier fired off some rapid French insults at the two men.