Chapter 49: My Marguerite

By the first night alone in Paris, Nori was beginning to understand how difficult being homeless was.

It was easy to look at people on the streets in New York and think superior thoughts. But she knew better now.

The first night alone in Paris, she’d wandered the lit streets not sure where to go. Her stomach rumbled and her mouth tasted like a desert. She eventually leaned up against a building and sat on the cold hard ground.

The streets smelled musty and dank. Dogs barked and the wind blew through the houses, making haunting noises that kept Nori’s eyes from shutting.

She knew she could handle herself, but being alone in a city that she didn’t know rattled her to her core. Nori’s hunger gnawed at her and the overwhelming desire for water made her dizzy.

She walked up and down the streets, her mind wandering to different scenarios. Then she spotted someone filling up a water bottle at a small monument.