Chapter 50: The Third Wheel

“What if, you know, died?” asked Nori, her attention riveted.

Jean had to be at least seventy or eighty years old. How had he waited all these years for his Eleanor?

“It is possible,” he sighed, “But when I make a promise, I hold it. I am a man of honor, if little else.” Jean shrugged, “I will wait for her here until I die.”

“I don’t think I could do that, I’m not strong enough.”

Jean eyed Nori and asked, “So who is this person you have lost?”

Nori swallowed and pushed the sadness down. She told Jean her entire story up until that point. He listened without interrupting. When Nori was done, a feeling of hollowness was left in her chest.

“You poor thing,” he said, “You remind me of my great-niece Gabrielle. She’s about your age.”

He checked his wristwatch and stood stiffly, “Well it’s time for me to go. I usually meet Gabby for breakfast when she gets off her shift at the hospital. Would you like to come with me?”

“Are you sure? You don’t even know me.”