Chapter 51: Your Nosocomephobia Is Showing

“Good, you're awake.”

Brad blinked his eyes. A woman leaned over him, her curly brown hair haloed by a bright white light.

Brad jerked and pain rocketed through his body. He gasped and the woman tried cooing and hushing him.

He tried to focus his gaze on her words.

“Mr. Holmes, you are in a hospital. Do you remember anything?” she asked.

Brad tried to move his arm and found an IV attached to it. There were electrodes on his chest and a bunch of tubes and he was dressed in a hospital gown.

White hot panic shot through him and he whimpered. No, no, no, not the hospital, he hated hospitals. The smell of ammonia and sterilization made his adrenaline pump. The white walls and scratchy bedding, the constant irritating beeping of the machines made him regress to an almost animalistic fear.

His nostrils flared and he proceeded to start ripping out his IV’s and the electrodes.

“No, no, I can’t be here,” Brad panted, “Get it off me! GET IT OFF ME!”