Chapter 55: Buccellati and Verne

“I can’t wear this!”

“Why not? Is it the wrong size?”

“No, it’s too, toooooo…” Nori shuffled her feet sheepishly, “lovely.”

Brad laughed and pulled Nori into his arms, “Didn’t we already have this conversation?”

“Mmmn nope, that was about deserving stuff. This is just too pretty for me to wear outside.”

“Eleanor, get going, our taxi will be here soon.”

Brad had ordered a black suit for himself from Armani and had ordered a gauzy blue dress from Chanel for her.

When she’d opened the Chanel logo-covered package she’d taken one look at the soft blue gauziness and had immediately balked.

A box labeled Christian Louboutin held accompanying delicate, strappy gold heels.

At Brad’s insistence, Nori took the pale-blue dress in her fingers and lifted it from the box.

It floated down as it unfolded, falling luxuriously to her ankles.

The fabric felt like water and air had been woven together to create something truly otherworldly.