Chapter 53: Catching Feelings

Confusion made Brad falter, “Nori? What?”

Nori’s swollen red eyes dripped fresh tears, “How dare you!”


“How dare you ditched me in Paris.”

“No, Nori, listen I—”

“No YOU listen! You have no idea what I’ve been through. What, did you get to the airport and realize that your baggage,” she poked herself in the chest, “was missing?”

Brad swallowed trying to make his voice and mouth work.

Nori raged, “Why did you come back? Huh? Did you have second thoughts? Was the guilt too much to handle? Oh let me guess, I’m just that easy to forget.”

Nori imitated Brad’s voice, “She’s used to abandonment, she’ll get over it. It’s fine she's a strong independent woman.”

The sky opened up and it started to drizzle. Brad stared at her, dumbfounded.