Chapter 59: How to Judge a Character

“So what are you gonna do now?” asked Mindy, “You can’t live here forever. I mean Ryan would love it way too much, but you’d get sick of sleeping on the floor really quick.”

Nori lifted her head off the kitchen table and blinked her puffy eyes up at Mindy, “I honestly don’t know. I just want my cat, a bathtub of ice-cream, and a shovel.”

“Oh sweetie, those calories wont fix what happened,” Mindy sat down next to Nori with a plate of carrots, “Here are some misery carrots instead.”

“Mindy, I feel so, so…” Nori searched for the right word.

“Hollow? Incomplete? Broken?” supplied Mindy, chomping on a carrot. “Like you want to plaster yourself on the pavement, crying and waiting for a lightning bolt to electrocute you, as the rain hits your face and mingles your tears with the dirt?”

Nori squinted at Mindy, but Mindy thoughtfully chomped on her carrot stick.

“Okay, weirdly specific, but mostly accurate. How’d you know?”

“Oh, that’s an easy one, sweetie,” Mindy swallowed.