Chapter 58: The Worst of Both Worlds

Brad hung up and massaged his temples. The delays at the company were causing a lot of problems and Hilmark was descending into chaos without him. He filled a glass with water and gulped it down. Exhaustion and fatigue were making him lose his train of thought.

Brad started the hot water in the shower and stripped off his clothes. The hot water stung as it ran over his body, reminding him how desperately he needed this woman-hunt to be over.

He just wanted to go home and run his company,... and maybe try again at the whole dating thing.

He thought of Nori, how good she felt in his arms and he imagined what it would be like to live in New York with her by his side.

A pleasant feeling of peace made him smile and for the first time in a long time, he felt like there were new possibilities in his life he wanted to explore.

He dried himself off and changed into a fresh set of black sweats and a t-shirt. Nori wasn’t in the suite.