Chapter 64: A Surprise for You

“Please clarify how the cat got out,” stated Eva Ramirez. The interrogation room smelled of lemon pledge and bleach, with a hint of sweat and intimidation.

Nori sat pensively at the table in an orange jumpsuit, “Have you ever seen Jurassic Park? You know how the velociraptors just bust out of the cage and sh*t hits the fan? That’s how.”

“You can be straight with me or you can go to jail. Your choice.”

“I left it partially unlatched.”

“Thank you.”

“So when do I get to see Brad?” Nori asked.

“Mr. Holmes is being charged with many, many things as we speak. I doubt it will be in this life-time.”

“But I told you! He’s innocent. It was all Trent’s fault and that whack-job Lamia. They were going to murder us all and then frame Brad for it.”

“I know Miss Chen, but I just collect the facts and hand them over to the DA. It’s the DA who decides how he wants to run the case.”