Chapter 67: A Rosy Epilogue

“No way, Bradford Basil Holmes?” Nori shook her head and giggled.

Brad shuffled his feet and scratched his neck, “I don’t use it for obvious reasons.”

Nori laughed and the park glowed to life as strings of lights turned on overhead.

The people dancing to the sound of the band oohed and ahhed as the atmosphere transformed in a magical moment.

Brad took Nori’s hand and they strolled over to sit by the fountain. People swayed by them, gently shuffling to the music.

Brad took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of her palm. His hands were warm and damp.

“You nervous, Bradford?” she teased, bumping his shoulder with her own.

“You have that effect on me.”

“Since when?”

“Well I have more to say that I’m not sure how you’ll react to.”

“Oh boy. Best to just say it,” Nori chuckled, “You know, like ripping off a Band-Aid.”

“Very well.”

Brad shifted to face her with a serious expression.