Chapter 66: Angels and Waters

The courtroom sat in hushed silence as the judge and two rows of jurors filed back into their seats.

Brad folded and refolded the scrap of paper in his hand for the millionth time. The edges felt soft and creased easily now. Brad knew the penned message by heart but he read it again anyway.

“I’ll be waiting by the Angel of the Waters.”

The judge banged the gavel and called the session into order. One of the Juror’s stood and moved to a microphone by a podium.

This was the moment that would change Brad's life forever.

The squat, balding man cleared his throat and squinted at the paper in his hands, “We, the Jury, unanimously find the Defendant on all counts…”

Brads’ pulse throbbed in his ears and he held his breath. It was so quiet that not even a cough could be heard.

“NOT guilty.”

Brad couldn’t believe his ears. It was over.

Three months of trials and fighting, jail time and eating horrible food. OVER.